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20 Signs You Go To Pepperdine

20 Signs You Go To Pepperdine

Pepperdine is a unique school in California that has a lot to offer its students. Here are some signs that you're probably a student there.

AYO Waves! How blessed are we to attend the real Pacific Coast Academy (tbt to Zoey 101) in beautiful Malibu, CA?! We get to live four years of our lives feeling like celebrities adventuring throughout the ‘Bu, Calabasas, and Santa Monica. From long days spent in Payson, to our weekends spent at the beach, to grabbing food in the Country Mart, and chasing sunsets every chance we get, life is nothing short of a dream in the ‘Bu. Here are 20 signs that you are a Pepperdine student.

1. The Ocean View

Our campus has the most amazing and beautiful views of the Pacific Ocean and we are so lucky to wake up to this view every day. Even on the sad, gloomy days, nothing beats these views! We love to take pictures of the views every chance we get.


2. We Have Legs of Steel From Walking Around Campus

We can thank Stepperdine for our toned legs of steel! We don’t even need to hit the gym because all we have to do is walk from main campus up to the CCB, and that’s all the ‘exercising’ we need for the day. Thanks, Stepperdine!

3. Convocation

Wednesday mornings at 10am. Be there or be square!


4. Frats and Sororities on Campus Are Actually Friends

All of the fraternities and sororities on campus actually like each other and get along! It’s definitely one of the more unique things about the Pepperdine culture, and we all have friends in different frats/sororities besides our own group.

5. The Shuttle is our Lifesaver

We shuttle everywhere! No matter where we are, and where we are headed we are always trying to catch the shuttle because walking is way too exhausting.


6. The Parking Struggle Is So Real

There is absolutely no parking on campus, especially from the hours of 10am-2pm. We usually spend about 30+ minutes driving around, hoping to find the last parking spot, but usually end up parking at the top of Drescher. It’s such a struggle!

7. Sunlife Is Our Favorite

Do you even go to Pepperdine without getting a smoothie or acai bowl from Sunlife at least once a week?! We love to stop here before class or after a long day at the beach with friends. Our favorites are the Brazilian Bowl, the Wolverine, and Fountain of Youth.


8. Everyday Is Beach Day

We love the beach and we go there every chance we get. Whether it’s a quick stop to the beach before class, or a full-out beach day, you can always catch us hanging out at Zuma with our friends!

9. Midterms Last Forever

I don’t know what it is about our school, but midterms season lasts forever! Once ‘midterms’ begin, they are never ending until the week of finals. We are always in the library studying and stressing over the next exam. Thank god for that Starbucks on campus, though!


10. We Are Overcommitted Students

We are the students that commit ourselves to everything that we possibly can. We will take a full schedule of classes, along with two jobs, three internships, join a sorority, join clubs, become an RA, lead a bible study, etc. We just love to do it all! (And we love to stress ourselves to the limit).

11. Starbucks On Campus

The new Starbucks on campus is truly life changing. It even our accepts meal points! This is our spot to grab a quick coffee before studying, meet up with some friends, or even have a group project meeting. We even love to shop up to class late with a tray full of Starbs for all of our friends. Sorry professor!

12. Watch Out For The Mountain Lions

The mountain lions are trying to take over campus! There have been many sightings of them during the past few years so we are always on the lookout for them, especially when it’s dark out.


13. Casa Escobar for Happy Hour

Casa Escobar is our spot for Happy Hour with friends. Not only is the food good, but the margs are even better!

14. Formal Pictures On The Pier

Sorority and Fraternity formal season calls for pictures on the pier with our friends, and dinner at Casa Escobar or Duke’s after. We love to take over the pier with our friends to get those Insta-worthy pictures!

See Also
As college decision day approaches, I’d like to highlight some of the things that influenced my decision to attend Rutgers University. 1. Amount of opportunities to travel abroad As someone with wanderlust, I often wonder about what places I will travel to in the future. The website of the Rutgers global office showed.


15. Ring By Spring Culture

Engagements at the end of the semester are not a surprise, they are expected! We love to place bets on which couple we think will get engaged, and get even more excited when our bff and his/her significant other are that newly-engaged couple!

16.Songfest  Is A Campus-Wide Event

Songfest is the one campus-wide event that the whole school gets super pumped about and the groups get super competitive. It is tradition that all Freshman perform in this event. We all hope to be apart of the group that wins!


17. Driving Along PCH

We love to drive along PCH with our windows down, blasting our favorite music, and singing along with friends. Sometimes we pull off to the side of the road to take pictures and enjoy the beach views!

18. Study Abroad Culture

Studying abroad is the thing to do during Sophomore year. Everyone does it, and if you don’t do it, you are ‘stuck’ on campus for year two. This is a once in a lifetime experience and is always turns out to be some of our favorite college memories. Where did/will you study?!


19. We Love To Chase Sunsets

We chase every sunset that we can and always make sure to post pictures of it on Instagram and Snapchat! But I mean, Malibu does have the prettiest sunsets of all time!

20. We Go To The Real Pacific Coast Academy

We get to brag to all of our friends that we go to the real Pacific Coast Academy at Pepperdine and live our best lives out in Malibu! How lucky are we?!

Are you a student at Pepperdine? Does this explain your experience at Pepperdine? Tell us in the comments!
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