Full Sail University isn’t like other colleges. Geared toward the entertainment industry, there are a lot of telltale signs that someone attends this school. Here are twenty of them.
Quite a few students take hurricane season into account for their plans. Classes have a tendency to be canceled, and certain apartments have a good chance of being flooded. Some students, despite voluntarily missing classes, evacuate the state by plane or car, not wanting to take any chances with the storm.
And why shouldn’t you? The Magic Kingdom is only a short drive away! The 20 months you spend at Full Sail are the perfect time to head on over to see Mickey Mouse when you have a free weekend ahead of you. Just remember to head there as early as possible, as traffic can get nasty pretty quick.
Once you start analyzing every film you see in class, you can’t help but do the same to the films you see in your free time. The phrase ‘I can never see this film in the same way again’ is often spoken a lot by Full Sail University students, as the magic has been ruined by seeing obvious failures of the plot and poor animation quality.
There’s a common view about Florida if you’re from our of state: it’s weird. A lot of strange things happen there that aren’t as talked about in other states. No, in Florida, there’s a shirtless man practicing tae-kwon-do on a street corner all day, and a woman going around telling people that the Devil says ‘hi.’ If you can look at these events without batting an eye, you’ve been at Full Sail at least six months.
One of things people recommend when going to Full Sail University is to make connections with other students. The more connections you have, the more opportunities you have. If you had a small contact list before, it’s more than likely tripled in size within the first few months at Full Sail.
This is more of a personal experience, but I still feel it deserves a spot. I was shocked to learn that H-E-B wasn’t nation wide. When I started looking around for the nearest grocery store, aside from Walmart, I found Publix. I thought it was serviceable, but still; your state’s grocery chain will always be your favorite.
When I attended Full Sail, I had two classes per month, and those classes were each four hours long, only happening either two to three times a week. Other than that, I was free. My schedule was very open when I went to Full Sail University, and it can be for you to, if you decide not to pursue any extra activities.
Every month, there’s at least one film project going on around the school, and you’re there as part of the crew. Whether you’re getting a degree in writing or music production, working on these film shoots is a great source of experience for working in the entertainment industry. The more you work on them, the more you can survive in the real world going forward.
Some classes require that you watch old movies in order to learn about whatever subjects that class is teaching. In my Horror class, I saw both Frankenstein and Dracula, as well as Insidious, films I never thought I would see. It may not be frequent, but you do end up watching a lot of movies, whether to learn techniques, or for homework.
If you grew up somewhere that didn’t have a beach, once you got to Florida, you went there every other weekend. But over time, you found yourself not as eager. And that’s okay. The same thing happened to me; once you start swimming every day for exercise, swimming for fun loses its appeal.
Where in regular colleges, you’d sometimes have several days to a week to finish certain homework assignments, at Full Sail, it’s often tonight or tomorrow, and that’s it. So, day to day, you have a lot more on your plate than you did before.
Because classes at Full Sail last only a month, the vacations you get are a lot shorter, lasting only a week at most, compared to other college vacations, which can last from two weeks during Christmas, to two months during summer. If you only have a week off during Spring Break, pretty good sign you’re in Full Sail’s program.
A lot of film shoots and other extra curricular activities you take part in at Full Sail can take a lot of your time. Or, your homework has crept up on you, is due tomorrow by midnight, and you need to do three days worth of work. Either way, you end up burning the midnight oil a lot, and as a result, you end up grabbing a few quick naps where you can afford them.
There are quite a few fast-food joints around Full Sail, but the one that was new to me was Steak N’ Shake. Now, I’m a fan, and if I ever see one when I’m out, I make a note of it to remember so I can come back whenever I want. Seeing how the burger shack is only a short drive from Full Sail, it has become a favorite hangout for quite a few students.
As stated before, with Full Sail, classes only last a month. Each month, you have two new classes, each coming up with a new subject. Where you’re learning horror and fantasy one month, you’re learning transmedia campaigns and resume building the next.
One of the benefits of being a Full Sail University student is that you get free access to a Lynda account. There, you can take online courses in a variety of subjects. If you know someone who takes these courses frequently, and they say that they don’t have to pay for them, then they attend Full Sail.
Another benefit to going to Full Sail University is that they give you lessons in crafting your own, personal website, so that you can have an online portfolio of all the works you’ve created. Is someone showing off their website that they suddenly have? They attend Full Sail.
The final, most important benefit to attending Full Sail is that you get a MacBook computer once you pay for it and the tuition. A sure sign someone is attending Full Sail is that they’re spending a lot of time on a new Mac computer.
A common mistake that happens with Full Sail University students is that they get their days mixed up. Especially when starting out, it isn’t odd that you think one class is one Tuesday instead of Wednesday, and as a result you’re standing outside a dark classroom.
Touching back on the subject of naps and working at odd hours, a lot of students discover the help of drinking large amounts of Red Bull, Coffee, soda, etc., taking in even more than regular college students.
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