15 Signs You Go To Fairfield University

September 27, 2017

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Fairfield University is located right in the heart of Fairfield, Connecticut. It is a gorgeous campus, a highly-ranked university, and the place I call my ‘home away from home.’ Now being a sophomore, I have definitely noticed quite a few things about myself that totally give away the fact that I’m a Stag. Fairfield University is one of the best places, so here are 15 signs that you’re a Stag!
1. You’ve taken a picture with Lucas the Stag.
2. Or even better…a picture on the stag statue.
3. You love seeing Dakota around campus!
4. You miss the Rec Plex when you’re working out at home.
5. You look forward to basketball season.
6. Half of your wardrobe is red.
7. Red Sea Madness presented by FUSA is the highlight of first semester.
8. You think Bellarmine Mansion is the prettiest building on campus.
9. You spend quite a bit of time at the library – at least that’s where the Starbucks is!
10. You’re not surprised when you hear turkeys gobbling on the quad…
11. You spend your Friday nights at the townhouses.
12. …and your Saturdays at the Point
13. All your friends ask to come visit you – because they saw your Insta from Saturday, duh!
14. You dream of living in a beach house during your senior year.
15. You always look forward to coming back home.
Let us know what you think about Fairfield University! Drop us a line!!
Featured Image Source: weheartit.com

Jennie Toutoulis
I'm a sophomore at Fairfield University, from Long Island, NY. I'm a communications major who you can usually find typing away on my laptop, listening to Drake, with an iced coffee close by.