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20 Signs You Go To College In Harrisonburg

20 Signs You Go To College In Harrisonburg

Students consider Harrisonburg a place full of memories, great food, and beautiful views. Below you’ll find 20 signs that you go to college In Harrisonburg.

Whether you go to JMU, EMU, Bridgewater, Blueridge, or Harrisonburg, they all have different elements that make them unique from the next. But there are just some things people only understand about their own college. For example, students consider Harrisonburg a place full of memories, great food, and beautiful views. Below you’ll find 20 signs that you go to college in Harrisonburg.

1. You’re surrounded by JMU things. Everywhere.

It seems like everywhere you turn there is some sort of JMU affiliated person sporting the good ol’ gold and purple. With 22,000 undergraduates, it’s difficult not to run into a spot filled with the school’s colors and mascot. Go Dukes!



2. Mr. J’s is your go-to weekend breakfast.

Whether your go-to is a plain-egg-and-cheese or a Breakfast Special, there is something so satisfying about Saturday morning bagels at the valley’s #1 bagel shop.



3. Benny Sorrentino’s. Enough said.

Those giant slices aren’t found just anywhere. For $4 you get a pizza made in heaven’s oven and a happy stomach. Shout-out to Benny’s for feeding broke college students everywhere.



4. The rush hour traffic on Port Republic makes you want to scream.

Avoiding Port like the plague between the hours of 5pm-7pm isn’t an uncommon thing. I always find myself in a rage because of my Chipotle craving around dinner time.



5. Coffee shops are all the (caffeine) buzz.

Black Sheep and Shen Joe’s are typically packed, but throw midterm and finals week in there and you won’t find a seat. If you haven’t, head on over to Black Sheep and try their coconut latte – a perfect summer treat.



6. Kline’s is a common word in your vocabulary.

The two locations throughout Harrisonburg makes it almost too easy not to grab the weekly flavor. Just a heads up, if you haven’t tried the Brownie Batter you’re missing out.



 7. You make at least one trip to Cookout a weekend.

I’m pretty sure the entire town has Cookout cravings at 1 a.m. Let’s just thank the employees for being open until 3.



8. You’ve witnessed a proposal at the JMU Arboretum.

As big as it is beautiful, I’ve only been there three times and have witnessed a proposal there two out of the three times (It’s almost as cheesy as the EMU hill proposals).



9. Your heart is slightly sad that Sweet Bee’s closed.

Sweet Frog is a close second, but there’s nothing like nostalgia and originality to spark some tears when thinking about the original fro-yo place in Harrisonburg.



10. You go to Skyline Drive at least once a semester.

If you haven’t been, going to Skyline at least once during your college career is a must. I suggest taking the 30-minute drive up there during the Fall. The scenery on the way there is breathtaking.


11. The High Knob Tower is featured in your Insta feed quite often.

How can it not be with that stunning view? The tower is a popular place to go for a refreshing hike and view, making an aesthetically pleasing vibe all around your feed.



12. You’ve wondered why and whose heads are stationed in front of Jess’ Lunch.

Old theories suggest it’s the original owners of Jess’, but who really knows for sure. When you’re craving fast and greasy food, Jess’ Quick Lunch is a close second to Cookout. Thankfully both Downtown and 33 locations satisfy those needs.



13. You’re surrounded by amazing food.

Downtown Harrisonburg is filled with one-of-a-kind restaurants that fit any cravings you may have. I bet once you finish your 4 years in the good ol’ Hburg there are still some restaurants you haven’t tried. There are just too many to keep track of!



14. Target is your savior for all and everything.

It’s just too convenient. It’s like the $1 and $3 bins know my name.

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15. You’ve tried Little Grill’s breakfast at least once.

When looking to try a new breakfast spot downtown, the Little Grill is a fan favorite of the Harrisonburg community.



16. You have probably passed 10 or more students on a sidewalk returning from a party in the a.m.

We’ve all been there. While you’re drowning in Gatorade for the next couple of hours you find some wild pictures that make the hangover all worth it. 



17. You try to use your student discount at every single business you enter.

I just want my free cinnastix from Domino’s, honestly. Those plastic reusable cards universities give their students are too easy not to use everywhere.



18. You agree that the spot where Krispy Kreme is located sucks.

There could not be a worse place for one of the sweetest spots in the city, especially when that “Hot Now” sign glows a bright red. The traffic always seems backed up, BUT the good thing about the placement is when you get tired of donuts there are breadsticks next door because OLIVE GARDEN. Which leads me to….


19. Getting Olive Garden is the most exciting part of your week.

Let’s be honest, we all just want the free unlimited breadsticks.



20. You consider it a second home.

Harrisonburg is the place you miss more than anything when you’re home for the summer. But if you’re lucky, you get to call it home all four seasons of the year.


So here’s to you, Friendly City. Thanks for your delicious food, amazing views, and friendly faces everywhere. May it not be overrun with college students and Chick-fil-a eventually be open on Sundays.

What are your specific signs that you go to college in Harrisonburg? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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