9 Signs You Are Definitely Ready To Move On

No, I do not mean from the person you have not been able to get off your mind since middle school. I’m talking about the anxiety of taking on a new chapter of life, getting out of the safety net that is home and the comfort and support that comes with it. It is time to grow and learn more about yourself and experience life outside your lovely comfort zone. Here are the signs that maybe it really is time to have some change and you’re ready to move on.
1. Your room is suddenly smaller and in all honesty, kind of ugly.
Yeah, we have all been there. The peace sign wallpaper, hot pink color scheme, PB teen bedding, or even me and my lime green zebra print rug…I know. Don’t get me wrong, your room is a space made up of treasured memories and years of hoarding, but there comes a time you feel ready for a bedroom that has grown up along with you.
2. You are ready to meet new people.
You may love or not really love your best friends from high school. Either way, you find yourself thinking about all the interesting people you’re about to meet on your new journey. You are ready to get to know some unfamiliar faces and learn about what their lives were like before you entered them.
3. You are aching to learn something that actually matters to you!
In some colleges, you do have a core curriculum, but no matter where you go you can choose the classes that are meaningful and significant to you and your life. Whether your goals for the future are set and you know exactly the classes to take, or you’re really unsure of your future aspirations, you choose classes that interest you so you actually want to put your heart into work and do extra!
4. You are ready to control your own future.
You have found yourself thinking that it is time you become independent and become a “real person”. You are ready to be responsible for your actions and make a difference in the world.
5. You have a clear idea of your hopes and dreams.
If you do know what your dreams are, it’s time to take action. Join clubs, take advantage of classes and outside opportunities to accomplish your future goals.
6. Uhhhhhh so how do I do my own laundry..?!
Speaks for itself. Time to enroll in laundry 101…
7. Wait so, Mom/Dad isn’t cooking dinner tonight?
Sorry to break it to you but its time you make a plan for how you are going to feed yourself and this is the perfect sign it’s time you figure this one out on your own. Dining hall food plan? Go out every meal? Grocery shop and cook? Your choice. You’re going to miss your home cooked meals and you’ll still have them when you come back home! So while you are away, bon appetite!
8. You are ready to escape your hometown “bubble”.
You no longer crave your Friday night taco place. You feel confined and bored with the same old routine and same old places to go. You’re ready to be in a new place with new spaces to experience to make your new “usuals”.
9. You are ready to spread your wings and start again with a clean slate.
Maybe you felt restricted in high school, you were unable to come out of your shell or you ruled the school and had no troubles. Either way, you get to start fresh and be the new and improved version of yourself. This is your chance to make up for the mistakes you’ve made in the past and begin again with no reputation. You’re ready to move on!
Featured photo source: pinterest.com and thoughtcatalog.com

Today is a great day to have a great day.