10 Signs You Are An Alpha Delta Pi At Delaware

Being in a sorority is an unbelievably unique and enriching experience. No matter what chapter you are in, you will grow so much, meet so many amazing people, and do important work for your community. That being said, as a member of the Theta Delta chapter of Alpha Delta Pi at the University of Delaware, I know a thing or two about what makes my chapter so special and the bonds that connect us all.
1. You Get Hype for Songs and Chants That Anyone Else Might Cringe At.
Going through recruitment while every chapter screams chants at you is super intimidating, and on bid day you probably felt embarrassed to be jumping and yelling and trying to remember how to spell Alpha Delta Pi, but that’s in the past. Now every time someone yells “Deep in my heart!” you can’t wait to respond with “I love my adpi!” and start singing as loud as possible, with no care in the world for what people might think.
2. You Get Very Competitive When it Comes to Your Chapter’s Success.
Whether it’s a philanthropy soccer game or a fundraising competition, we adpis know how to compete. We like to be involved and have a bit of a competitive side. At the end of the day, we love being involved in our Panhellenic community and raising money for charity, whether we come out on top or not (but winning a basketball game here and there doesn’t hurt).
3. You Don’t Always Feel Like Going to Chapter on Sundays, but Once You’re There You’re Very Excited to See Your Sisters
Sometimes dressing nicely and getting out of the house on a Sunday evening can be an exhausting feat, and you would rather just curl up in bed and watch Netflix. But once you get to chapter, you get to reconnect with all of your amazing sisters and it really helps remind you of your sisterhood.
4. You Might Be Very Different From Many of Your Sisters, but You Love That.
Our chapter prides itself on not just being for one kind of girl. We are all very different, but we love each other for that. Having a chapter that can integrate so many kinds of people, whether you’re sporty, academically-driven, civically engaged, artsy, or anything else, means that we are strong. When Alpha Delta Pi comes together, we do not have any weaknesses that cannot be overcome through our sisters’ strengths.
5. You Use a Lot of Lingo That Not Everyone Understands.
When you’re talking to your sisters, it seems normal to mention your pride group or the new deltas or how you might run for NMC or panhel rep. But sometimes you forget that not everyone knows what you’re talking about and then you have to explain to your dad, “no, PNMs are not like M&Ms” or tell your mom, “party lines don’t actually have anything to do with parties.” Even though they might look at you like you’re crazy, it’s still pretty cool to have your own kind of lingo.
6. You Probably Spend a Little Too Much Money at Times.
You don’t really need another sweatshirt or t-shirt that says Alpha Delta Pi, but come on, this one is so cute. And you love being able to match your sisters and all wear the same shirt on PR days. Plus, how are you supposed to control yourself and not spend a ton of money on big/little season? It’s the best time of the year!
7. You’re Always Excited to See Your Sisters on Your Way to Class, Especially When You’re Both Wearing Alpha Delta Pi Clothes.
Seeing your sisters out and about, especially when you guys match is such an awesome feeling. We can always count on each other to wave and say hi, and really just put a smile on each others’ faces. That’s the best part about joining Greek Life in general, you’ll always have a familiar face wherever you go.
8. You Really Don’t Have a Lot of Free Time.
In addition to the time commitment of being in a sorority, pretty much everyone in our chapter is very involved. We all care about our academics, and most of us have outside involvement like sports, clubs, jobs, and volunteering. We love having an impact on our community and being engaged with the world, but sometimes that means that we don’t have a lot of time to sit around and waste time.
9. Since Joining ADPi, You Have Made So Many New Friends and Become More Involved on Campus.
Joining a chapter means you don’t just meet all your new sisters, but also a lot of their friends, too. All of a sudden you recognize a bunch of people on your way to class and have an entire chapter of sisters that will be there for you. You also get more involved through your chapter’s philanthropy work and through opportunities you never knew you had. Sisters are always bringing up job opportunities, clubs, and events that can help each other get more involved.
10. You Are Extremely Proud of Your Chapter and All Its Accomplishments.
We all work so hard to make Alpha Delta Pi the best it can be, and it pays off. Whether it’s winning another philanthropy competition, bragging about our chapter’s GPA, crushing it at airband, or experiencing the joy we bring to kids’ faces when we visit the Ronald McDonald House, there are so many reasons to be proud of our chapter.