Whether you are in a sorority or looking to join, these 15 signs you are a sorority girl are going to make you laugh until there is glitter coming out of your nose. These fifteen signs are so relatable for my fellow greek sisters and will give our new membies the real idea of what you are signing up for if you are looking to join.
Oh the classic sorority girl pictures. Get used to these because you are going to be taking A TON. All a sorority girl wants to do is document her time with her sisters all over her social media to show the world how beautiful and amazing they are! Get over your embarrassment over your clammy hands and link up! Whether it is with one sister or you are reaching as far across the group as possible, you are going to be taking a lot of pictures holding your sister’s hands. As a sorority girl, posing for pictures does not come without some physical activity. How do you think a sorority girl stays so beautiful after all?! Practice your wall sits ladies because you are going to be doing the sorority squat and you will be doing it for a long time. Be ready for some killer quads and smokin’ IG material.
Do you even own anything else? You are even wearing clothes with letters you did not know were made with letters! The tricky part here is most chapters are not allowed to wear their letters while they are in a setting in which you can consume alcohol. This is hard when you are looking for cute clothes to wear to a bar or going to get dinner and drinks with sisters. You can’t wear more than half of your closet because all of the clothes you own have letters on them! A pro-tip for these girls, beware of merch day!
No matter what your chapter’s philanthropy is, I guarantee you were not as passionate about it before you joined your sorority. There are some pretty great philanthropies out there and even if you have some type of connection with it before joining, when a sorority girl enters her chapter, she will be promoting it like crazy. Raising money, wearing all of her philanthropy shirts, promoting it to all of her friends and family, and defending it like a mad woman when someone says something about it that she doesn’t like! Your sisters really give you the motivation to not only hype up your sorority, but your philanthropy too!
“My sister was saying to MY sister… okay my sorority sister was saying to my biological sister…”. If you are a sorority girl, and you have a biological sister a conversation like this is bound to come up and you are going to confuse the heck out of people. Most of the time you are talking about your sorority sister because, duh, they are the most important thing in your life. Sometimes though, you begin talking about your blood sister and people never know what is going on! Some girls have their biological sister as their sorority sister! My big even has an identical twin that is in the chapter! That’s a whole lot of sister.
Okay we all get a least a little irritated when we hear non-greeks make this claim about our favorite organization, but we have to be honest. It can get kind of weird. We all know the songs I am talking about. The low soft ones where we’re gathered in a circle thanking our founders for establishing this chapter so we all could know each other. The nights we sit in a dark room passing a candle around telling our sisters about our lives. Or the absolute NEED to match each others clothing, hair styles, and even personalities. Sorority’s are NOT cults. Sometimes though, it can get a little nerve racking in there!
You need to get food? Call a sister. You need to study? Call a sister. You need to go ball your eyes out because Josh from Apple Beta Pi just broke your heart? Call a sister!!!! A sorority girl has the amazing advantage of never having to do anything alone. They can even live together in their chapter house or you have built in roommates when you are ready to get an apartment. There is always a sister to call and you can have a different sister for a different life event. All that matters is you never have to do anything by yourself.
Bid day, bigs and littles, throwing what you know, date nights, mixers, just a night on the town with your girls. You are going to post it and it’s all going to be about your chapter. A sorority girl not only is posting about her sisters, but how amazing her sorority is and all it offers for her. Trust me on this one you WILL have A LOT of content to post.
As soon as you become a sorority girl you feel this overwhelming desire to add four hundred exclamation points and emojis. Whether it is to prove that you are a good person to talk to, you are loads of fun, or you just don’t want to seem rude because everyone else is texting this way, you are going to catch yourself doing this. Graduation will be interesting when you are emailing your employer with 14 exclamation points and a gif of a puppy wearing pants telling them how happy you are to get the job!
It is so nice having tons of cute letters, canvases, and paddles, you name it. You can keep them for yourself, pass them down the family lineage, or make them for a friend. But IF I PICK UP ANOTHER PAINT BRUSH I MIGHT EXPLODE! As a sorority girl you are going to develop this relationship with crafting. Whether you are the most talented DIY gal in the chapter or you can barley draw a stick figure, you are going to love having tons of cute stuff even if it looks like trash and you are going to rapidly be SO over your craft making sisterhoods. Despite the hate relationship, it is super fun to laugh at how much your sister paints like Picasso whether it be really good or really all over the place.
When you go through recruitment one of the phrases you are going to hear SEVERAL times is “you get out of it as much as you put into it”. This is so true. When you love your chapter though, a sorority girl is going to be spending more than half of her life attending these events. This is normally no big deal since all of your bff’s are your sisters, but if you plan on having a super active social life outside of the chapter, making other organizations a priority and keeping your sorority as your number one, forget it!
Okay I will be the one to say it. Being a sorority girl is a HUGE money pit. You have to pay dues from the moment you join your sorority to the moment you leave. Every. Single. Month. Depending on what school you attend and what chapter you are in, this can really fluctuate, but I promise you are going to be spending boatloads. If the money is not going towards your dues, it is going towards transportation to and from events, outfits for photoshoots and recruitment, gifts for your big and your little and so much more. Let’s just get one thing straight though. You pay for a lot, but you are NOT paying for friendship.
All of your sorority parties WILL have themes. That is to be expected. But even when you are throwing a party not through a chapter event, a sorority girl deems it completely necessary that a party must have a theme. Why do you think you have to keep your dads old hawaiian shirt and this colorful clown afro? Just in case the sorority throws a hawaiian circus themed party! Obvi!
No denim. No off the shoulder. No spaghetti straps. Not too short. The list goes on. If you think you are about to walk out of the house in an interview ready outfit and you have jeans on?! You better rip your pin off right there before you continue to be disrespectful of one of your chapters major symbols. A sororities idea of what are fancy clothes, or “pin attire appropriate”, is very different than real world expectations. I constantly catch myself asking friends: “am I allowed to wear an off the shoulder dress to your wedding? Or is that inappropriate?”.
You need a dress for literally EVERY event. You need a different dress for several days of recruitment, a philanthropy dress, a pre-initiation dress, an initiation dress, a pledging dress, formal meeting dresses and you can’t wear the same one several times in a row people may notice! This list goes on. The bottom line is, you better rent a single room dorm cause you are going to need the closet space!
Through all the highs and lows of being in a sorority, something a sorority girl will always have is her best friends she knows she can rely on. Something a chapter woman hears a lot it: “these women are not just your sisters during your college years, but your sisters for life”. It sounds super cliché, but if you meet your group of people, it does rings true. Most girls claim that they met their future bridesmaids and best friends for life in their chapter. No matter how you connect with your sisters, you know you have someone there for you no matter what whether it is just in those 4 years or it is for life.
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