22 Signs You Are A Sooner

University of Oklahoma is home of the Sooners. These signs will be sure to tell whether or not you are a real Sooner, based off the things we typically do, and the places we usually go. Wanna be a Sooner? I’ll show you how to be one. These are the 22 signs you are a real Sooner.
1. You Bleed Crimson And Cream
Crimson and cream are the official colors of OU. They are your favorite colors, and they’re part of everything you wear.
2. Tower Clock
You know you’re a Sooner when you show some respect for the tower clock. They say if you ever cross below the tower clock you won’t graduate.
3. Texas Horns Down
It’s our official sign, Boomer Sooner! Yo Texas, got any passes for Six Flags?
4. Football Is Life
You can be the most responsible and studious person at the school, but you can’t miss an OU football game, it’s unacceptable. You just need to go.
5. Legend Of The Love Life
The legend is if you kiss a girl in the spoonholder, you’re destined to marry her. I’m OMW.
6. “What In Tarnation?”
This is a saying on campus, or as I say “What in OUnation?©”
7. H2OK Water Bottle
You definitely walk with a Sooner H2OK water bottle, and no, it does not contain potassium.
8. David Boren
You know who Daddy David is. David Boren, president of OU. He is just the best! Don’t graduate without having a chat with him.
9. Hogwarts?
You’ve been asked “Oh you’re studying at that university that looks like Hogwarts?” No it’s not Hogwarts, but yes we have the Great Reading Room, which has similarities to what we know as Hogwarts. It is prohibited to talk inside there. It’s the ideal study spot.
10. Hideaway Pizza
Sorry Sooner vegans, the best pizza there is is Hideaway Pizza. I’m writing about this and I’m suddenly hungry, brb I’ll be at Hideaway.
11. Free food
At students events we’re always handing out food at no cost. Don’t feel like you’re purloining, just take it. I mean it’s free.
12. Soonerthon
Sooners often participate in this philanthropy event which helps Oklahoma’s children by raising money for the Oklahoma City Hospital Foundation and Children’s Miracle Networks Hospital, ensuring that children can receive the care they need.
13. Hurts Donuts
Sooners know the best donuts are at Hurts; their doors actually boast about it. Plus it’s 24/7! They have donuts topped with almost everything, even bacon! Gotta have it!
14. Campus Corner
You’ve had to at least heard of it while you’ve been on campus. We have free movies every Friday night. Can we just accept that this is the best University on Earth?
15. OU Museums
We have the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art and the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History. If you have a date, take them to one of these! They’re just amazing. And yes, they’re free.
16. OU Snapchat
Many Sooners have gotten the chance to takeover the OU Snapchat for a day or so, and so can you! It was Cameron Morgan, an alumni of OU, who decided to make a campus snapchat. Follow OU!
17. Sooner Mall
Close by and pretty great, it’s the Sooner Mall. It’s just one of the malls near campus, and always has everything you need. Of course Sooners shop here.
18. Houston Huff
You like sports? So does every Sooner. Houston Huff Center is great for working out, playing basketball, volleyball, and racket ball!
19. OU Library
One great advantage of being a sooner: the library. We use it for multiple purposes; it contains a large amount of books, computers, and printers, available for whenever you need them!
20. OKC
Oklahoma City Downtown is less than half an hour away, and there, you can hangout with all your friends, like most Sooners often do. Perfect spot to hangout; I personally love Bricktown!
21. Trust Me, You Won’t Be Alone
Sooners know they’ll find somewhere to fit in, without having to look too hard. You’re just another piece to this puzzle, full of diversity and school spirit. We are a family.
22. Homecoming Reunion
Every Sooner knows that their homecoming is better than any other college’s. Want to see for yourself? Apply at OU today!
These are 22 relatable signs you’re a real Sooner. What makes you a Sooner? Share in the comments!
*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.
Featured Image Source: pinterest.com

Travel enthusiast. As you may know I like to write, I like show the world my way of thinking and express myself through it.