10 Signs You Are A Kappa Alpha Theta At JMU

Being in a sorority has not only given me best friends but family, too. I can go to any one of them with anything that’s on my mind, and I know they will support me no matter what. We are all unique in our own special way, and no matter what, I know I can be myself around every single one of them. Kappa Alpha Theta holds a special place in each collegiate member’s heart. We laugh, cry, eat, shop… we act like every other college girl out there, but here are 10 signs you are a Kappa Alpha Theta at JMU.
1. You have to determine which kite pose you’ll use when taking pictures.
“Let’s do a kite!”
“Okay! Wait, which one?”
The aforementioned is a common exchange between thetas when attempting to take an insta-worthy pic. If you don’t know by now, the kite is a symbol of the Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority. There’s the full arm kite, the hand kite, and the fancy kite. All equally cute and equally confusing. If you see someone kiting, she’s absolutely a theta.
2. Sister dates always involve food.
My first night as a theta involved pizza and popcorn; I knew I had joined the right srat within minutes. If there’s one thing every theta can agree on, it’s the importance of a good meal. Kappa Alpha Theta or Kappa Alpha Pizza — you decide.
3. You don’t mind getting service hours — you enjoy it.
Service is an extremely important aspect of theta and our sisters are incredibly dedicated. From organizations like Big Brothers Big Sisters to Alternative Spring Breaks, thetas love to give back. We take service seriously and our entire organization is committed to contributing to the communities that gave us so much.
4. Greek sing takes priority over everything.
In the months prior to this event, the words “Greek Sing” do not exist. I am actually one of the performers (shout out to my hands sisters) so I can’t say much without being shunned. But I will say this, thetas take Greek Sing extremely seriously. It may seem a little intense, but it’s all worth it when we take home the gold which we (almost) always do.
5. Woolies, woolies everywhere.
A theta is lost without her woolly. Possibly the most comfortable article of clothing ever created, woolies are a staple in the theta closet.
6. Everyone asks you what CASA is (and it doesn’t mean house).
I may be a little biased, but we have one of the greatest philanthropies ever. However, despite what your three years of high school Spanish education tells you, CASA does not mean house. CASA stands for Court Appointed Special Advocates and the organization does amazing work helping abused and neglected children reach a better and safer living situation. It’s a fantastic philanthropy that should get more recognition — if only everyone knew what it stood for.
7. Mrs. Alger tries to do the secret handshake with you.
President and Mrs. Alger are practically celebrities at JMU. And I bet you didn’t know that the First Lady of the Dukes is a theta! Every once in a while she’ll come to a chapter meeting or theta-sponsored event. But, you know you’re special when she tries to engage you in the secret handshake.
8. No one judges when you turn down going out to study instead.
Yes, we like to go out. But, scholarship is extremely important to our organization. We’ve consistently held highest GPA on the row since our chapter was established at JMU in 2007. We take our studies seriously because, despite what social media will tell you, we are in school to learn after all.
9. Your sorority family is equivalent to your real family.
Big little week is possibly the greatest week of your life. You get showered with food, clothes, and other assorted pass-downs. You get spoiled rotten for a week as your big tries to trick you into thinking she’s someone else. Then, Big Little reveal arrives and you’re immediately welcomed into a family of amazing women who love and accept you on the spot. Our families are important to us because they are special bonds unlike any other. From dinners out on the town to movie nights on the couch, your family is always there.
10. You’d do anything for your sisters.
The friendships you make in this organization are life-long. Yes, we are a sorority, but we’re not a group of stereotypical Barbie dolls. These are real, authentic women who love and care about one another. I knew I wanted to be a part of this sorority because I could be my genuine self without fear of judgement or ridicule. This is a group of independent women who come together to support one another in both individual and collective endeavors. The bonds created in this sorority are so strong that you would do anything for your sisters and they would do anything for you.