10 Signs You Are A Book Worm

Being a book worm isn’t all plain and simple. You are constantly reading book after book, researching books, talking about them, and organizing them. Books aren’t just part of your life, they make up a big part of who you are. You handle them with the gentle care of a newborn and part of you dies whenever you see someone disrespectfully bending the pages of a book to save their spot. If you can relate to any of the following signs, then you just might be a book worm.
1. You enjoy the smell of books
Seriously, it’s not weird at all. The smell of books is downright special. I’ve been caught numerous times enjoying the smell of a book and those who give me a look as though I’m some kind of martian just don’t understand.
2. Having too many books is just a myth
Your TBR list gets longer and longer and it never bothers you that you never even get close to finishing that list.
3. You can’t just pass a bookstore without going in
It’s an impossible task for a book worm to visit a new town and not go into the local bookstore. You can’t just look at books from behind a display window. You need to physically hold them and contemplate how this book will change your life. You also need to admire the cover art and imagine how it would look on your night table.
4. Or come out of a bookstore without at least three new books every time.
Even more impossible. But hey, you could be spending your money on other things that you don’t need. Books are essential.
5. Hermione Granger is both your hero and spirit animal
I never connected to anyone more in my life and I’m sure bookworms everywhere feel the same.
6. Local libraries are a sanctuary
Frankly, they are not praised enough. Libraries are the one sure place where your friends always know to find you. A real book worm has even considered living there.
7. The plot of a good book brings a tear to your eye
Yes, you cry even if the book isn’t sad. You are just so impressed by the plot and character development, the turn of events couldn’t have been planned out better, and the imagery is spot on. The author is clearly a genius and deserves a monument built in their honor. I dare someone to try and by the rights to the book and cut out all of the good parts or make even minor changes.
8. Your dearest friends are fictional characters
Not to offend your friends in real life, but the characters you meet in books are just people you will never come across in reality, yet you spend a good amount of your day with them and understand them on a deep level.
9. You are the only one who actually enjoyed doing their summer reading project
That was definitely an easy A since you much rather enjoy staying indoors reading books than partying all summer long anyway.
10. You know you are lying to yourself every time you say “just one more page”
Sure, you stayed up all night telling yourself this lie and finished the book. There was just no way you could wait until tomorrow to find out how it ends. Now your life is complete and you have one hour to sleep before you have to get ready for work. Ahh, the life of a book worm.