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10 Signs That Prove You Really Are A True Gemini

10 Signs That Prove You Really Are A True Gemini

10 Signs That Prove You Really Are A True Gemini

If you just so happen to be born between the dates of May 21st and June 21st then your star sign would be  Gemini and people who are part of this particular star sign are known for having quirky, outspoken personalities and are also known for adopting a whole variety of crazy and unique traits. Take a look for yourself as I have  created a list of the 10 Signs That Prove You Really Are A True Gemini!

1. You’re Always Making New Friends

Gemini’s are known for their social and talkative nature –  sometimes once you start, you can’t shut up! You have no problem when it comes to meeting new people and you tend to leave meeting a new person thinking about how much you liked meeting them and what you spoke about in depth.

2. You’re Forever Starting New Projects

Gemini’s are great at being adaptable and creative. This set of traits – alongside your outgoing personality – are perfect for starting new projects in life. Whether it be a new job, or saving for that around the world trip you want to book, you always feel the need to be moving onto the next and trying to get as much out of life as you possibly can! Your brain is always on the go and you cannot take a break from wanting to try out new ventures.


3. …But You Get Bored Very Easily!

As great as your intentions may genuinely be, sometimes your indecisiveness and impulsive nature can get in the way of your creative ideas.

4.  You Cannot Help Being A Nosy Person!

If there is any gossip going on, people know exactly who to turn to for their little fix. You cannot help it but you always stick your nose in when it’s not your business but this is down to your inquisitive Gemini nature that comes to your naturally.

5. Communication Is Important To You

If You’re a true Gemini, you know that you pride yourself on being a great communicator – and they do not anything less from a friendship or partnership. You are naturally attracted to people that have the ability to express their emotions as well as you do.


6. Can Lack Consistency At Times

When A person has so much information and personality flowing in their brains, they can start to flourish in their ventures after a while as they begin to lose focus and start to move onto different projects or ventures.

7. Can Be Unreliable From Time To Time

Gemini’s may be fast paced and outspoken as people but that does not mean there isn’t room in your mind for a little bit of anxiety! This anxiety is one of the main factors as to why you pull out of plans and commitments from time to time.

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8. You’re Stubborn As Hell!

Whoever you end up in life, unless they also share the same star sign, should be warned now that Gemini’s are ridiculously stubborn! You can rarely see when you’re wrong and believe that what you think or says, is the way things should be and get annoyed when the opposite happens!

9. You’re Impulsive

See a new pair of shoes you want? “I’ll get them!” Want tickets for that concert but need to eat for the rest of the month? I’ll manage!” You dislike depriving yourself of the things that you cherish and will find a way to accommodate that somehow!

10. You’re Smart!

You have always had a keen interest in studying and being clued up on general knowledge.  You retain information well, especially when you are passionate.


These traits are what make Gemini’s a Gemini, and we would not take you any other way! Did you relate to this article? Was there anything that was missed off this list? Let us know in the comments below!

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