Love Life

10 Signs He’s Not Into You That You Might Miss

I’ve created a list of signs he’s not into you because we’ve all been there. Not knowing if he wants you or where his head is at sucks, so if any of these are true, something is wrong.

If you’re reading this, there is probably something missing from you relationship. I hope you can fix it or move on to the man you deserve.

1. He tries to “fit you in”

If he’s into you, he will put you first. If you’re getting limited offers to hangout, or he is often unavailable, he’s not likely that busy, but just doesn’t want to see you.

2. He doesn’t want to go out on dates

When he wants to stay in all the time and not go on dates, that is a red flag. If he’s into you, he will want to flaunt you, treat you and show you off.

3. You haven’t met any of his friends

Just like going out, if he’s into you, he will flaunt you. One of the most common signs he’s not into you is if you haven’t met his friends, or doesn’t talk to you about them because he doesn’t think take your relationship seriously.

4. He’s never mentioned his family

If he hasn’t mentioned his family, this could mean that he doesn’t think he needs to because this isn’t long-term. If he doesn’t want you to meet his family, you will want to know why.

5. He doesn’t talk to you throughout the day

If you don’t hear from him often, that is a sign he’s not into you. If he cares, he will message you to see how your day is going.

6. The relationships is physical

You need a mix of emotional and physical. If you are physical with your partner, and attempt the emotional without result, that’s a huge sign he’s not into you.

See Also

7. He tries to change you

Another sign he’s not into you is if he tries to change you. You need to be you, don’t let a man take that away from you. If he’s unhappy with things about you, he’s not into you.

8. He talks about other women

If men often talk about other women, it is often done deliberately. When men talk about other women, it pushes us away and shows that he doesn’t care for you.

9. If you aren’t sure how he feels

If something feels off, it’s probably because something is off. Follow your gut and get what you deserve. If he is into you, you will know. He will make it clear. If he doesn’t, he probably isn’t into you.

10. He says he’s not ready for a serious relationship

If he says this, this is a sign he’s not into you. This doesn’t mean that you wait around until he is, it means, he’s not interested in a relationship with you.

If any of these apply to your relationship, they are signs he’s not into you. Time to move on to someone who will really show you how they feel. Have you had any of these problems in your relationships? Let us know what you did in the comments below.
Featured image source:
Summar Bourada

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