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20 Signs He Wants To Hook Up With You

20 Signs He Wants To Hook Up With You

We all have experiences mixed signals from a guy we were into. Avoid being led on with these sure tell signs that he wants to hook up with you!

We all have had a time when we were getting mixed signals from a guy. Whether you just met him or it is someone you have known for a long time, it can be hard to tell if they are into you or not. These are the sure tell signs that he wants to hook up with you!

1. He is very touchy-feely.

Chances are, if he wants to hook up with you, he is going to send you signals like touching your arm or leg. If he tries to make a touchy move every little chance he gets, he wants to hook up.

2. He leans into you whenever you are talking.

A person who isn’t into you isn’t going to try to get close to you. If you are talking to him and he leans in closer, he is interested.

3. You catch him staring at your lips.

It is a natural instinct to stare at the lips of someone you are into. If you catch him looking at your lips while you are talking, or simply sitting there, know that there is a high chance he wants to hook up.

4. He gives you “the look”.

There is that look where you just know he wants to make a move or is waiting for you to. It starts with looking at your lips, then into your eyes. You’ll know it when you see it.

5. You catch him checking you out.

We all check people out, whether it is someone we find attractive or not. This is a different type of checking out, where he is clearly looking at you in a sexual way. If you catch him checking you out multiple times throughout the night, it is a definite sign he likes what he sees.

6. You get the late night text message.

10pm rolls around and he shoots that “What are you up to?” text. Chances are that text is implying that he wants to hookup, especially if you get the text every Friday night.

7. He tries to get you alone in intimate settings.

Whenever he asks to hangout it is his place, your place, or somewhere extremely private.

8. He is constantly throwing you compliments on your appearance.

Things like “that shirt looks so good on you” and “wow, you look so good tonight” are nice, but you can tell when it’s said in a “wow, you look so good, let’s hook up” kind of way.

9. That smirk.

He isn’t smiling that handsome smirk for no reason. The smile that seems permanently glued to his face is from the fact that he’s feeling you.

10. He shows you more attention than anyone else in the room.

Whether it is the first time you’ve met at a bar or you have been friends with this person for a long time, the more attention they give you, the more obvious it is that they are feeling you and want to hook up. You wouldn’t show attention to someone if you weren’t interested in them.

11. Offers to buy you a drink.

Buying you a drink is as cliche as it gets. We see it in the movies, but it does happen in real life. If a guy offers to buy you a drink and you know they aren’t simply your friend, then you know they are looking for more from the night.

12. He’ll ask you what you’re doing after the night is over.

Mid-way through the night he asks you what you are doing later, meaning “do you want to come to my place or can I go to yours”.

13. He asks you if you are home alone.

This is an obvious one. If he asks you if you are home alone, know that he is asking to get alone with you to hook up.

14. “Let’s stay in the car and talk”.

Unless this is someone you are used to having long conversations with, staying in the car is usually because he wants to hook up. It is perfect because it is small and you two can be alone.

15. His friends know about you.

If his friends bring up that he has been talking about you, then clearly he is really into you. He is ready to hookup at this point, so go for it!

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16. He is persistent.

Does he text you often trying to hangout alone or constantly asking you what you are doing later on? Ya, he wants to hookup.

17. He is coming in hot with the flirting.

This is touching you, trying to make you laugh, and complimenting you. If he is doing all of these things, don’t second guess because he is ready to hookup.

18. He cracks jokes and teases you.

Making someone laugh is one of the easiest ways to get conversations going and to figure out if a person is into you or not. Especially if he is teasing you and making you laugh in a flirty way.

19. Asks you to send nudes

This is a total fuckboy move, and most of the time makes us ladies not want to hook up. But, if he is asking for nudes, he clearly finds you attractive and chances are, he wants to hook up.

20. He straight up tells you he wants to hook up.

Well, duh. If he tells you and is open about wanting to hook up, then he wants to.

Do you have any other sure tell signs he wants to hook up with you!? Share in the comments below!

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own!

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