City Life

20 Signs You Grew Up In North Dakota

Most people have no idea where North Dakota even is. But I think most people from North Dakota will agree with these 20 signs listed below.

1. You have probably been to a hockey game at the Ralph.

The University of North Dakota is super famous for their men’s hockey team. But it’s not just the winning (and occasional losing) that makes UND hockey games so fun, it’s the historical Ralph Engelstad Arena. So if you’re from North Dakota and haven’t gone to a hockey game at the Ralph, are you actually from North Dakota?????


2. If you go to Fargo, it’s probably to go shopping.

Considering it’s the largest mall in the state, why wouldn’t you stop and shop?

3. You think it’s warm when it’s above 32 degrees.

Cut us some slack, the winters in North Dakota can be even worse than Antarctica. It’s no wonder why anything above freezing is basically shorts and t-shirt weather.

4. You will probably go to at least one concert at the state fair.

Regardless if you even know the band that’s playing, you can probably find yourself smashed up against the side of the stage at least once a year.

5. You aren’t surprised seeing a tractor driving down the road… in town.

Considering majority of North Dakota’s population comes from small farm towns, it’s not really an odd occurrence seeing a tractor driving down the road in the middle of town.

6. You have probably seen the Medora Musical.

Considering that this is probably one of the only touristy things that North Dakota has to offer, most people that are actually from North Dakota have most likely seen the Medora Musical more than once.

7. You ALWAYS bring a jacket with you.

North Dakota weather is about as unpredictable as it gets. Regardless if it’s 90 degrees and sunny outside, in a few hours, you will probably need some sort of jacket.

8. You’re an expert on describing where North Dakota is.

You’ve probably said something like this “you know the place where the President’s heads are carved into the mountain? Yeah, I live north of there.” or “you know where Canada is? Basically the same thing.” or “ever heard of the Bakken?” Seriously, these things actually are super helpful in letting people know where good ole North Dakota is.

9. You expect school to be cancelled on the first day of deer season.

Hunting isn’t just an activity, it’s a way of life.

10. Rodeos have higher attendance than most concerts.

You might think I’m stretching the truth on this one, but until you witness a rodeo first hand, you won’t understand what I mean.

11. Driving in a blizzard isn’t that big of a deal.

Honestly though, what’s a little snow gonna do? And for those of you who haven’t snow skied behind a car like in the gif below, I highly recommend it.

12. You do the classic steering wheel wave.

Regardless if you know them or not you will always do this wave; it’s the polite thing to do.

13. You definitely DO NOT have an accent.

Even when people tell you that you stress every single “o” you pronounce, there is no way that you actually have a North Dakota accent.

See Also

14. You expect to see the stars at night.

One perk about being one of the least populated states is that you are able to see the stars EVERYWHERE, literally anywhere you go you can see the stars. It’s just expected.

15. Your nostrils might freeze together when walking to your car.

You know it’s cold out when this happens. You have never experienced a real North Dakota winter until this has happened to you.

16. You get mad when other places cancel school because of snow.

I remember seeing on the news that schools in Alabama cancelled school because there were a few patches of snow here and there. Like????? C’mon, if we can drive to school when there is a blizzard outside, you should be able to with an inch or two on the ground, smh.

17. You low key get excited when North Dakota is on the national news.

Even if it’s for something pretty awful like flooding or how cold it is. Just hearing North Dakota mentioned about anything probably makes you perk up a little bit.

18. When people say they’re going to “the cities” you know exactly what they mean.

It’s Minneapolis.

19. Carson Wentz is always brought up in a conversation.

Besides Josh Duhamel, Carson Wentz is probably one of the most talked about person in North Dakota. My grandparents talk about how proud they’re of him all the time (like they actually knew him). But, can you actually blame them though? He actually got out of this state.

20. You know it’s not the Fighting Hawks.

I’m just gonna leave this one at that.

Those are the 20 signs that you’re from North Dakota. Let me know what you think in the comments below!
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