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20 Signs You Go To University of Pittsburgh

20 Signs You Go To University of Pittsburgh

If you go or went to University of Pittsburgh then you'll know these signs are spot on! Here are the things that tell us you Hail to Pitt! 1. You call the Cathedral, "Cathy" That is her name, do not tell us otherwise.

If you go or went to University of Pittsburgh then you’ll know these signs are spot on! Here are the things that tell us you Hail to Pitt!

1. You call the Cathedral, “Cathy”

That is her name, do not tell us otherwise.

2. Speaking of Cathy, we are all her personal photographers.

I can assure you that you see at least 1 snap story of her on the daily. Why? Um, because she’s stunning!


3. You avoid market at all costs.

Too many people, the line for chicken takes 20 hours, and why are there never any forks?!?!

4. Later in the semester, you actually go to market.

It’s finals week, you’re broke and mom is yelling at you for not using your swipes.

5. You know of The “O”

After being in a tiny overcrowded basement on a Friday night, this is the place to fuel your late night cravings.


6. “Walk sign is on to cross..”

“Bigelow” & “Fifth” …You read this in that ladies voice, I know you did.

7. “Do you accept panther funds?”

It should be mandatory for every place in the whole city to accept these.

8. Primantis

Every college students dream, a huge meal for super cheap! Plus, who wouldn’t want fries on a sandwich?


9. Panthfinders

You see these people legit everywhere, always followed by a crowd of people who will get in your way.

10. You understand “Pittsburghese”

“Yinz goin’ dahntahn to watch the Stillers game?”

11. You’ve been to Heinz Field.

What other schools can say their football team plays in the very same stadium as a 6 time Super Bowl champion team? Haha nobody because the Steelers have the most rings! #6burgh


12. You dread cardiac hill.

Why workout at the Pete when it’s a workout in itself to get there?

13. You HATE Penn State!

Sorry, who’s that? Not the top ranked public school in the Northeast that’s for sure!

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14. You have a T-shirt collection

Where there is an OCC credit, there is a free T-shirt.

15. You’ve been on a Port Authority bus.

It’s free and gets you where you need to be, even though you will most likely have to stand.

16. You tell your friends that you go to Hogwarts.

The resemblance is truly uncanny at University of Pittsburgh.


17. Hillman Library

There are 2 types of people during finals. Those who sleep at Hillman to keep their table, and those who avoid the chaos and stay in their room.

18. You’ve been in a nationality room for class.

Super nice to have a school with such diverse classrooms… Super annoying when tourists randomly walk into class to see what nationality it is.

19. You know the correct lyrics to “Sweet Caroline”

Contrary to popular belief (people outside of University of Pittsburgh) the lyrics are “Let’s go Pitt!” not “Ba Ba Ba”


20. You Hail

Nobody has more school spirit than us panthers! Hail to Pitt!!!! Go University of Pittsburgh!

Let us know what you think about University of Pittsburgh in the comments below!
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