10 Signs You’re A Brown Kid At University of Buffalo

So you think you’re about to jump into a bed of roses and have the time of your life. But, you’re not the conventional American kid transitioning to college. You’ve literally left home 12,000 kilometres behind. So if you’re “that” Indian or basically any Brown kid at University of Buffalo, you will face these at some point during your stay!
1) You’ll be on a perpetual search for “desi” food.
It’s all fun and games until your body goes into withdrawal for basically not getting its quota of Biriyani or Samosas. Seriously, can NOT function on fries and lattes any longer.
2) Taking time to adjust to the local lingo as a Brown kid at University of Buffalo.
“Yeah! Greek life’s so lit yo” *insert nervous WHAT DOES THAT MEAN face*. Your first week in college is spent learning what “imshmacked” or “sorority rush” means.
3) Getting Stereotyped AF.
Brown= Incessant Wisdom. Your American classmates will be all, “but you know everything right?” It will SERIOUSLY make you feel like Kevin Gnapoor from Mean Girls, for better or worse.
4) Jet Cetera.
Now, this one’s not exclusively for brown kids, but you are bound to feel jet lagged the first couple of days, and it’s going to suck the life out of you…or whatever’s left of it.
5) Getting everyone to pronounce your name right.
Back home, if there’s anything that wasn’t problematic, it was your name; not anymore. The ways in which your name is going to be mispronounced, will make you wish you weren’t “Poornima” or “Sheetal.”
6) Calling Mom/ Mom calling every miserable second.
Told your mother you’ll be in a lecture for the next two hours? You’ll still have 57 missed calls! Those are Brown moms for you. Sometimes, you’ll find yourself missing her voice, but mostly it’ll be a panicky one saying, “BETA KHANA KHAYA?!” (Have you eaten anything?!)
7) The Accent.
This is the probably the most awkward, controversial thing every desi kid will experience; developing an American accent slowly. There’s a 103% chance your friends back home are going to make fun of you for it, but you’re gonna have to work with it.
8) Dealing with dangerously low temperatures.
You’ve probably never known anything below 20 degrees centigrade, and here you are in a city that has negative five degrees going on all winter. You will contemplate hibernating.
9) Looking for jet sprays in the bathroom.
“I have to wipe my s**t off?!” This is going to be a constant struggle since no one really uses jet sprays in America. You may end up keeping a mug in the bathroom solely for this purpose (desperate measures) and your roommates will think you’re nuts.
10) And yet, you’ll love all of it.
Despite the constant grappling, you will love every second of your time in UB. Cheers to that!
Do you have any other signs you are a Brown kid at UB!? Share in the comments below!
Featured Image Source: weheartit.com
"Will kill for Hummus. Occasional writer, eater and pseudo thinker. Also, Biomedical Engineering freshman @ SUNY, Buffalo ☀️"