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12 Signs You Went To A Boarding School In Switzerland

12 Signs You Went To A Boarding School In Switzerland

Going to boarding school in Switzerland is a blessing and an unforgettable experience! Here are 12 signs you got to attend boarding school in Switzerland.

It is quite easy to spot someone who went to a boarding school, especially in Switzerland. Swiss boarders can distinguish each other immediately, even if they did not attend the same boarding school, since they all share similar characteristics. Here are 12 signs you went to boarding school in Switzerland!

1. You have the need to tell people you studied in Switzerland even though you spent the whole year partying and trying to avoid study hall.

2. When returning to your hometown you pretend to speak the foreign language when you are drunk since you know nobody will understand or know it is pure BS.


3. You have seen the most amazing views in the world, which makes it hard to appreciate other places.



4. You brag about how classy you were when you studied there but deep inside you know you did not do laundry often or even wash your sheets after a while.

5. You cant stop talking about how insane and amazing the year you spent there was even if five years have passed.


6. You do not only go back home with an incredible amount of memories, but also with quite a few kilos on yourself.


 7. You have more real friends spread around the world than in your own hometown.



8. You have traveled all over Europe but you cant seem to talk about cultural places because you spent all your time partying in clubs, drinking, or finding good restaurants.


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9. You find it hard to get along with the teachers from your hometown because the ones in Switzerland were considered as family.



10. You pretend to be an expert traveller when in reality you missed several planes because you partied too late.


11. When you meet someone that went to a boarding school in Switzerland, he/she immediately becomes family.


12. You think that chocolate never seems to taste as good as when you studied in Switzerland.

The experience you had in Switzerland will always be a part of  your life no matter where you go. It changed you completely and you will always be grateful for everything you learned and acquired. Swiss Love Forever! Comment below!
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