10 Signs You Have Fake Friends

Throughout life, we’re constantly making and losing friends. The way to gain lifelong friends is to spot the difference between someone who is genuinely your friend for the long run and those who aren’t. Fake friends are the people who pretend to be your friend when, in reality, they aren’t. Having friends like this ain’t no good and the sooner you can spot these kinds of people, the better off you’ll be. Here are my personal tips on how to spot a fake friend.
1. People show you who they are…believe them!
If your “friend” acts a certain way around you and completely switches it up around other people, you might have a fake friend on your hands. If they can act the same way around all your friends, then she might be authentic. And if not, you might need to pay attention to how she treats you around other friends
2. If she likes to talk….
If your “friend” is a gossip, there is no telling what she might be saying about you behind your back. With a friend like this you NEED to be careful with what you tell them.
3. Peer Pressure
Around my group of friends, I’ve never been pressured to do or be anyone other than myself. If you have a friend or group of friends that pressure you to be like them or do things you don’t want to do, you might have to do what’s best for you and find friends that will be good to you.
4. Big Fat Liar
Personally, I hate liars, so if your “friend” is known to speak more lies than truths she can’t be trusted. The one thing I look for in a friend is someone I can trust, and that I know for a fact won’t spread lies about me.
5. Drama Queen…
Who likes a person who is full of drama 24/7? A “friend” that likes drama and often adds heat to it is someone you need to give the boot to. People like that feed off negative energy and you don’t need to add to it. Who needs that kind of stress?
6. “Somebody to lean on…”
If you have a friend that doesn’t stick up for you under any circumstances….you might need to reevaluate that friendship. A real friend is someone who has your back no matter what. They won’t let anyone trash talk you. Having a person like that on your team is important.
7. Your problem, not mine…
One thing that is good about having friends is that they are the people you go to with your problems, that will listen and care about them. A fake friend wouldn’t give a damn about your problems and would probably be glad you have them.
8. Gives an inch, takes a mile..
A real friend is someone that you don’t have to pay for or give them things in order for you to be friends. They call you just to talk or in my case, spill the tea. If you have a friend who is only around you or calls you when they need something, you might need to let them go. There is nothing worse than a “friend” who willingly uses you to their own advantage.
9. Dark Cloud
My friends are uplifting and supportive of the things I care about and like. A fake friend in this situation is negative and puts down everything you like. They never have anything good to say but always something to drag you down. As they say, misery loves company.
10. Broken Promises
I like to say I am a woman of my word, if I tell you I’m going to do something I am going to try my damnest to do it. Having a friend that always leaves you hanging or often goes back on their word to you is not a good friend to have. It’ll only hurt you when they let you down in a situation when you really needed them.
With these tips, anyone can weed out fake friends and realize who your true friends are. What are some of your tell-tell signs of a fake friend?
Featured Image Source: weheartit.com

Howdy! Olivia Johnson is a Senior at Columbus State University. She majors in Communication with a concentration in Integrated Media. When she grows up, Olivia hopes to be a Entertainment Journalist working for either a magazine or a TV station. She is also a lover of Dad Joke's and all things that shine.