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Shows You Can Binge Watch In A Day

Shows You Can Binge Watch In A Day

Streaming sights have become a staple in everyone’s home. Whether it’s your own account or your old college roommate’s all these sights have shows that you can shamelessly binge daily. These shows you can watch in one day or you can spread it out and watch everyday for the next few weeks. It’s all about the time you feel like dedicating to the show.

1. Emily In Paris

This show initially got some bad reviews. However, with it being only one season, if you have nothing else to watch you can watch the entire show in one night. If you are able to get past the cheesiness of it all, it actually is a really good show. It can make you want to move to Paris in a cute little apartment and restart your entire life. Let’s be honest here though, we don’t need TV shows to give us the urge to do that. Emily in Paris gives you a glorified version of what that would be like if you really wanted to up and move though. It is full of that mindless drama that somehow can still get you so invested. This is one of those shows that is great to binge by yourself or if you’re having a girls wine night because a love triangle ensues and that is where it gets really good.


2. Euphoria

Euphoria took over social media for awhile. Everyone was doing the make up from the show and finding the glitter that they used. Also, the soundtrack from the show alone can get you hooked on it. While Euphoria has some trigger warnings and can induce some anxiety, it is such a good show. The show itself gives off authenticity and being overall genuine. It is a little eccentric at times, but that is to be expected, especially from the title of the show. The main characters in Euphoria are all so vastly different but are all connected in some way. They each have qualities about them that are relatable to the viewer. They have confidence on the outside but internally are all struggling with something which is what makes them relatable. It is graphic and really not for a younger audience. However, this show can be watched within two days if you set the entire days aside to watch it. And when it’s over, you will wish that there were more seasons you could watch. It’s also refreshing that this isn’t another one of those shows based on high school and college students that isn’t all rainbows and butterflies.

3. The Good Place

The Good Place is on the similar playing field of Pushing Daisies. It’s satirical comedy. The show isn’t what you expect based off the title, but nonetheless it is a pleasant surprise of a show. The Good Place is the type of show that you can either be fully immersed in or having it playing in the background long enough for Netflix to ask you if you’re still there. There’s moments that will make you giggle but you don’t need to pay full attention to sometimes which is nice when you are making a snack or closing your eyes for a little bit. With there being multiple episodes per season, you can get lost in this show for hours and not feel bad.


4. Schitt’s Creek

Another show that will bring you in from the very first episode. The dynamic of this family is without a doubt one of the best on a sitcom. The characters are all so different and truthfully so far from relatable which is why it makes it even funnier. They are so out of touch with reality in the beginning but as the show continues you can see them making the adjusts to love where they’re at. This is yet another one of those shows that have a cult following. It’s such a bummer that they had their final season, but it makes it easier to binge watch them all because you will never be waiting for more episodes to come out. Also, the fact that some of the cast are actual family members makes it so much greater. This show will have you falling love with the people that play them outside of the show and leave you giggling thinking about scenes of them interacting.

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5. Vampire Diaries

This is not a show that you can watch entirely in one day. It is however, a show you can spend at least a month on watching every day. Stefan and Damon Salvatore will leave you wishing you were a vampire or at least in the show so that you have the opportunity of at least kissing them. The drama in this show is so high school but oh so good. There is so much that unfolds as you make your way through the seasons that at times you will be asking yourself what more can they do and boom. Somehow they’ve created something so out of the ordinary. It is a new take on vampires and werwolves compared to Twilight. No shade to Twilight though. Vampire Diaries just give you more to work with and way more characters you can get emotionally attached to. This is one of the shows that you can watch all the way through then in a few months or a year come back and watch again and still love it all the same.


6. Desperate Housewives

This is another show that you can not watch fully in one day. Desperate Housewives is an older show that is out of this world. It follows the lives of middle aged suburban woman that have drastically different lives but are all best friends. While watching this show you will find your favorite character constantly fluctuating because these women do some of the most unexpected things. At times it’s very cringe but what unfolds afterwards makes those few moments of being uncomfortable so worth it. This is great show to watch with your roommates on wine nights because you will find yourself laughing, crying, and everything in between.

What show can you watch and never get sick of? Comment down below!