Shows And Movies To Binge Over Break

Netflix, no matter what day of the week it is, no matter what assignments are due or which exams need to be studied for, students everywhere are turning to their laptops to avoid all responsibility and binge-watch a new series or a string of movies. Especially over break when students are back in the comfort of their own home while they multitask between avoiding family members and assignments due in a week. But opening up Netflix can be extremely overwhelming which soon turns into a waste of time trying to find something to watch instead of actually watching something. So I have pushed off a week’s worth of homework in order to search and binge-watch shows and movies on Netflix so you don’t have to. Here is the extremely short list of what I found:
If you haven’t seen the Netflix original series You then you have been living under a rock and need to put everything aside from two to three days to watch the series start to finish. Dan from Gossip Girl has made a comeback and he is still chasing blondes around the streets of New York City and I am obsessed with it. There is a season two that is set to come out SOON but there hasn’t been an official release date announced yet. If you have watched the first season, then I suggest you watch it again in preparation for the long-awaited and highly anticipated second season. If you have yet to see the show, then I should warn you that it does have some gore that could turn your stomach.
This is another Netflix original show but this show is about a boy with autism. Sam, the main character, is a high school student trying to navigate through dating and teenage drama while being on the spectrum. There are three seasons to this series, the third had just recently been added which makes me extremely excited to see what Sam and his family are up to. I had very little information about autism before watching the first two seasons of this show and while I know that this show shines a small light as to what autism is, it did give me a lot more information that I didn’t have before. I think this show does a great job highlighting someone with a disability and completely worth the watch.
The Politician
I finished this show within two days because it was that good. Due to the recent elections, we have all become slightly obsessed with politics in some way and this show lifts the curtain while poking fun at the same time. The show is centered around a high school class presidency with the intensity and the backstabbing nature of a national presidential race. But don’t think you have it all figured out because you don’t, and even when you think you do, you still don’t. This show has plenty of twists and turns up until the very end of the first season. It is truly amazing from start to finish. The fashion choices for every character are like a true work of art the compliments each personality. As a warning, it does deal with some pretty heavy stuff so keep that in mind if you choose to get into the show.
Let it Snow
Halloween is over and no matter what you think about Thanksgiving, the Christmas season starts the moment Halloween ends, which is why I am including this adorable, modern, Netflix Christmas movie. Just like all Netflix movies and the majority of Christmas movies, this movie is also slightly terrible and unrealistic with great visuals and scenery. This movie follows a few different storylines with characters that are somehow all connected in some way. There is joy, love, despair, and heartbreak with a perfect snowy filled winter as the backdrop. The slight immaturity of this movie is what makes it great, in my opinion, because it gives a visual representation of what we have always wanted to play out in our heads. We don’t watch movies because they are exactly like real life, we watch them for the exact opposite reason. So enjoy it’s unrealistic, slight crappiness!
You probably already know this but in case you haven’t heard the news, Victorious is now on Netflix! (And the crowd goes wild!) Our childhood is slowly being restored back to us as it becomes more and more available through streaming networks. And boy am I grateful. Watching a childhood show brings you back to the exact time in your life where you were able to sit down and watch the same episodes without the stress of every day hanging over your head. I don’t think I have ever enjoyed being able to pretend I am thirteen again and that I don’t need to think about my future because all I know is that my future holds another episode of Victorious. I can only hope that this is the start of me being able to watch all the TV shows that made my childhood amazing.
Modern Love
This is my one non-Netflix show choice because this was all I was able to watch while having a free trial to Amazon Prime. Modern Love is exactly as it says it is, various modern love stories set in New York City. Each episode follows a different person and tells a different story. I watched these eight episodes while I was hungover and going through a break-up. I think it was the best choice I had made the entire weekend. This show breaks down how a love story happens at different ages, in different situations, with different struggles. It put a lot of my fears and insecurities in a perspective that I had never viewed before. If this is something you are struggling with, then I think that this show is a great, realistic way to look at past, current, and future relationships. This show felt more like a learning experience than a series. I found that there was a lot to understand from each episode and it made me reevaluate the way I was viewing my own relationships. This show is worth the watch.