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10 Stores To Shop At For LGBT Pride Month

10 Stores To Shop At For LGBT Pride Month

Here are some cute outfit ideas for LGBT pride month! These outfits are extremely cute and affordable, so buy one to show your support!

June is officially pride month. To show their support, many stores are launching their own line, clothing and accessories. If you want to do more than attend the parades, here are some things you can wear during LGBT pride month to support the LGBTQ Community. So in the name of equality… Shop!

1) H&M

H&M is launching the amazingly nostalgic 70’s inspired Love For All collection with hoodies, hats, socks, tees and pants decked out with rainbows and graphics displaying “Pride” and “Equality”. The line will donate 10% of their sales to UN Free and Equal, a campaign for equal rights and fair treatment for LGBTQ citizens all over the world.


2) Target

With their own #takepride page on their official site, Target gathered some of their Pride-centric clothing, beach accessories and even party supplies. Buy one of their cute graphic tees in support of their mission to celebrate those who “take pride in simply being themselves”.


3) asos

In honor of pride month, Asos is offering an array of rainbow goodies. Sweaters, swimsuits, shoes or bags, whatever you’re looking for, Asos has got you covered.


4) Feminist Apparel

This site offers a tee shirt, tank or sweater for everyone. Offering graphic tops with a variety of pride flags, rainbows, hearts and proclamations of love, this site will make sure you are prepared for pride month.

5) Amazon

For this month, Amazon has crated a special page as well, gathering some of their best pride products. Along with these items, you can purchase an official LGBT Pride 2018 shirt in pink, blue, black, grey or silver.


6) Hot Topic

This site offers an abundance of pride products as well. Sport a pin declaring “Love Wins” or rainbow flag and heart t-shirts promoting pride and equality.


7) Nordstrom

With their site titled “Love and Peace to You”, Nordstrom is celebrating and supporting pride month as Platinum Sponsors for NYC Pride and offering their favorite rainbow-colored products.


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8) Hollister

In their online exclusive, Hollister has released a pride collection in which 100%, yes, 100% of proceeds will go to GLSEN. This organization works to create a safe learning environments for all students regardless of sexual orientation gender identity or expression. In this line, you can purchase some perfect summer outfit staples like swimsuits and sleeveless tops.


9) Pacsun

Be prepared for Pacsun’s super cute Pride Capsule. You can brouse their collection online with a variety or pride inspired pieces with rainbow tube tops, long sleeve tees and aviators. These are some really cute ideas for LGBT pride month!


10) J.Crew

In their partnership with the Human Rights Campaign, J.Crew has released their Love First collection. With graphic tees reading “Love First” in rainbow or black, the store is donating 50% of their proceeds to the Human Rights Campaign. And on June 9th, you can visit your local J.Crew to receive free flags, temporary tattoos as well as a free “Love First” tote with every $100 purchase.


Can you see yourself wearing some of these for LGBT pride month? Let us know in the comments below!

*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.

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