
10 Shoes That Represent Each College Major At Ball State University

Like any big college, Ball State University is diverse in population and choices of majors. Each major seems to attract a different type of person, similar to how shoes attract different people. Each major is like a clique in high school, silently judging the others and thinking they are above everyone. A nursing major could never possibly understand how hard a business major really has it. That’s why I’ve come up with an analogy of comparing the majors to each other is shoes. Each major looks and fits different like a shoe does. Sometimes a person needs to size up or down in a shoe just like some people need to stay an extra semester or graduate early. Here are the top ten majors and shoes that would mirror them at Ball State.

Teaching and Sperry

Students who are teaching majors at Ball State University complain about the lesson plan they have to make, but waited until the night before to do. Most act preppy and complain about being on their feet all day long student teaching. This is why they are Sperry shoes. They like to think they are better than everyone and have it so much more rough. They send a message with their Sperry shoes that they are above us all, but they don’t have to dress up. Khaki’s are formal wear to teaching majors. You know what goes great with khaki’s? Sperrys.


Nursing and Safestep Clog

We’ve all seen these shoes. They look like hideous rubber bricks and they come in lots of different colors and patterns. They remind me of something my grandma would wear gardening.  They are the end all be all of practical. Great arch support, can be cleaned easily, and they last forever. Nursing students are so busy with practicums and studying for the practicums they don’t have time to care that much about looks, they need practical and comfortable.


Legal Studies and Louboutin’s

Legal Study students are power houses. The amount of work they can procrastinate until the night before is astounding. Then they turn in the 12 page paper that they did the night before will all the confidence in the world because they are a power house. This is why they are Louboutin’s. The legal profession requires strength, power, and resilience. What better way to show your opposition power than with a pair of stellar heels?

Journalism and Vans

Ball State is known for it’s journalism department. The journalist students are made of people who think they are hipster, but really aren’t. They are more of a preppy hipster who sport vans. They think they are edgy and different, but everyone has the exact same pair. Just like how every journalism major thinks they are different in some way, they really aren’t.


Athletic Training and Nike Tennis Shoes

Being in the MAC division sports are somewhat important but not over the top at Ball State. The same is said for the athletic training major. They think they are more popular than they really are. Just like Nike’s, they try to subtly let the rest of us know just how cool and fit they really are, elevating their status ever so slightly. Jocks spend more time looking at each other’s shoes than their books….

Accounting and Snow Boots

Just like snow boots, accountants are useful for a few months of the year and that’s really it. They do the basic job, give you what you need, but you don’t particularly enjoy them. And boy are they expensive! A good pair of snow boots can set a person back quite a ways just like a good accountant can. But in the end you’re happy you have the snow boots to protect your feet, and the accountant to protect your fiances.

Architecture and Doc Martins

In this major you need something comfortable, sturdy, and something you don’t mind falling asleep in. You could drop your semester project along with a handful of bricks on your feet and you wouldn’t feel a thing. These shoes provide support for the long hours the architect students have to stand on their feet. Also, they are so comfortable that if they fall asleep in them, their feet won’t hurt the next day.

See Also

Art and Jimmy Choo’s

Just like Jimmy Choo’s art majors are eccentric, fun, and noncommittal. They have a different sense of style than most of the rest of campus and they have no problem expressing it! Just like JimmyChoo’s are unique and special so is every art major, their degree is an investment but one well made, just like a pair of Jimmy Choo’s!


Psychology and Toms

Psych majors at Ball State University care about how the world perceives them and everything in it. They never want to offend, only understand. They tend to be very nice and supportive, very similar to a pair of Toms. Just as Toms want to give back to communities, psych majors want to give reassurance and support back to every one. Each shoe is different and the customers respect that, just as how psychology affects each person differently.


Math and Timberlands

Math….how practical…just like Timberlands. Math majors at Ball State University are basically guaranteed a job after college. You always need to be able to do math just like you always need a show with good support and good grips in the winter months. Neither are supper fun or exciting, but their practicality keeps them around.

Do these shoes represent your major at Ball State University? Let us know in the comment section below!

*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.

Featured Image Source: www.

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