Love Life

5 Sexy Valentines Day Ideas That Are Sultry

Valentines Day ideas are hard enough to come up with thanks to the added pressure of what Saint Valentine brought our way; sexy Valentines Day ideas no less. We’ve all seen Valentines Day Instagram posts of chocolates, flowers, rose pedaled baths and whatever cliché Vday gift you could think of. If you are searching for sexy Valentines Day ideas that aren’t cliché and overdone, I’ve got ya covered. Here are a few sexy Valentines Day date ideas for him or for her. These sexy date night ideas aren’t lame, I promise.

Seductive Valentines Day Ideas

Bikram Yoga for Two

This is a great sexy Valentines Day idea. There is nothing sexier than a half hour yoga session with your babe. The best part about this sexy date idea is that you could learn some new poses to take into the bedroom. It may sound like a sweaty disaster, but it’s definitely a hot date idea… literally. Bikram Yoga will make a perfect Valentines Day date idea. Namaste!


Paint Night

Paint date nights are always fun date ideas. It would not surprise me if on Valentines Day they have a special themed date night going on. Show off any hidden art skills with babe. Sipping wine and painting is actually a very fun Valentines Day date idea.



This isn’t exactly a date per say but it’s a sexy Valentines Day idea for sure. Give each other massages. Check out the best massage oils and take turns rubbing one another down. Hey – it’s definitely one of those sexy Valentines Day ideas that will leave you both feeling relaxed.

See Also


Card Games

Sure – card games sound really lame but I’m talking about strip poker, scandalous truth or dare or whatever you mind comes up with. These absolutely are sexy Valentines Day ideas for you and your babe. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a sexy date idea but something fun to do on Valentines Day just the two of you.

Strip Club

Ha! This is definitely one of those sexy Valentines Day ideas for the brave but if you’re down, a lot of fun. This is a sexy Valentines Day date idea the two of you could enjoy if you have fun with it. There could for sure be a bunch of laughs on this Valentines date idea!

What sexy Valentines Day ideas do you have?

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Hi, I'm Leah, a Los Angelino living in Boston! I'm a grad from Northeastern University with a Bachelors from the College of Arts, Media and Design. I'm obsessed with going on adventures, photography, writing, being a Taurus and finding hidden gem restaurants, musicians and places to travel. I live for tacos and you can't keep me away from a cute farm stand. I also live for Instagram ... oops!

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