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Sexy Things You Can Do To Initiate Sex

Sexy Things You Can Do To Initiate Sex

What’s the main thing everyone thinks about? Food, but the second thing everyone thinks about is sex. I can’t be the only dirty bird that thinks about doing the deed more than once a day. It’s not that I just think about sex though, after all, teasing is half the fun! Once you’re in a committed relationship, you start to wonder, is the teasing over? Bringing sexy back can be difficult, and although you may be in a committed relationship, it doesn’t mean you’re getting sex on the regular. If you’re looking to get some extra booty this week, try out these sexy moves to initiate sex. 

Strip Tease

 Listen, I know we all think that the red suede jacket we own is the sexiest thing on earth, but chances are your partner just thinks it’s cute. I’m not proposing you dress only in ways your partner will think are sexy. In order for you to be sexy, you need to think you look sexy. After all, your partner isn’t the only one in the bedroom. Don’t fear though, there are ways around this issue. Try a compromise. Give a little to get a lot! The trade-off I’m suggesting is a simple one, you wear the clothes you think are sexy, then take them off while performing a striptease. Win, win! A striptease is a great way to initiate sex, get your lover’s attention, and feel great about your body. You don’t a pool to perform this act either, just some killer music. 

Sexy Clothing

If you showed up to your job at an office wearing a fast-food uniform you wouldn’t perform as well. Dressing for success is a real thing, if you look good, you’ll feel good. The same is true for sex! Wearing sexy clothing will make you look and feel sexy. Don’t just wear sexy clothing for your partner either, wear what makes you feel sexy. Lingerie should be an expression of how you feel on the inside. Embrace the craziness of the sexy underwear world and let your freak flag fly! If you’re unsure of what type of lingerie to buy, check out this article on lingerie for different body types. Nothing will initiate sex faster than you wearing sexy lingerie. 

Cook A Romantic Dinner

I think about food, just as much as I think about sex. It stands to reason, that eventually I would connect the two loves of my life. Food and sex are a million-dollar combination, just like peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Tasty. Now, this might be a personal opinion, but I love it when people know how to cook, it’s just so sexy. If you’re looking to initiate sex, then you need to shake what your mother gave you, and by that, I mean shake the pot set she gave you for Christmas. A romantic dinner may be sexy, but it is also a double-edged sword. If you cook a delicious dinner that is creamy and delicious, then chances are you’re ending up with two bloated bellies in your bed. To prevent stomach aches from ruining your seduction plan, try only eating light foods that boost your energy instead of robbing it. If you’re looking to plan a menu of tasty food options that will still keep you in the mood for dessert, then check out this article here. 

Get out of the House

You may want your bed to be your final destination, but a little in public foreplay never hurt anyone. Initiate sex by taking sex out of the equation. If you’re surrounded by people, unable to touch your partner, you’re going want to touch your partner even more! Get out of the house for a minute, and try being cuddly in public. Treat every night like it’s date night, even if it is just a walk around the block. When you’re in love, doing anything together can seem romantic, even if it isn’t. Getting out of the house may even awaken something in you that you didn’t know existed. Perhaps foreplay won’t be the only thing you do in public. After all, there are lots of corners and nooks you can explore together, especially if you’re a university student. Here are some quick suggestions for you.  

Surprise Your Lover

Which do you prefer, birthday surprise parties or birthday suit surprises? I mean, I feel as though the choice is obvious unless there is cake involved with only one option. To make things simple, let’s just say there is cake in both surprises. Either way, getting a sexy surprise will always be appreciated. There are a lot of different ways to plan a sexy surprise you could plan a trip, greet them at the door in lingerie, or find out their meeting schedule at work. Tip, the last suggestion only works if they have an office. Get creative and have fun with your surprise, it should be personal, but also exciting for both of you! The more fun you have planning the sexy surprise, the more they’ll enjoy it. If you’ve been together a long thing, this might be the perfect way to spice things up. Surprise your partner with these spicy date ideas tonight and see what happens.  

See Also
Looking for the best sex toys you can find? If so, check out this list of some of our favorite sex toys on the market for you!

Sexy Music 

The music you chose for your strip tease should not be the same music you use to set the mood. There is a difference between you doing sexy dancing while Miley Cyrus belts out lyrics in the background, and the music you’ll want quietly accompanying your evening. Certain Miley Cyrus songs may work for both, maybe Best Of Both Worlds. I don’t know, try it out and let me know if it worked. Either way, setting the tone for an evening starts and ends with the right choice of song. Chose music that makes you feel sexy, and you’ll be having sex by the end of the first chorus. 

Time to take your sexy back with these hot tips to initiate sex. It’s also important to remember that sex should always be fun and consensual, so be safe and embrace your inner goddess. 

What is your favorite way to initiate sex? Comment below!

Featured image source: Unsplashed Images