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15 Sexts Every Fuck Boy Sends

15 Sexts Every Fuck Boy Sends

It seems almost impossible to avoid these texts from guys, no matter how hard you try. These are the 15 most common sexts every fuck boy sends!

Oh, fuck boys. We all have fell victim to their relentless sexts and stupidity. “You up”? Uh, no I’m actually not *eye roll*. It seems almost impossible to avoid these texts from guys, no matter how hard you try. These are the most relateable sexts every fuck boy sends that we all can say we have received!

1. He asks you to see “everything” when you shower

Let’s all just agree to never bring up showering to any guy, ever. This will almost always be the result.

2. Or asks to join when the answer is clearly no

If he isn’t asking you to see anything when you bring up your shower, chances are he is asking to join you. And even if you wanted him to join, no one is waiting for him to show up. So, why do they even bother?

3. Asks you to send pics and is relentless

You would think that a person would understand no, but when it comes to nudes it feels like you have to say it a million times and the message still doesn’t get across. At this point, it’s time to block the fuck boy.

4. The “trying to get in your pants” compliment

Can a fuck boy ever compliment without being sexual? Hmm, probably not. If he says something sweet, prepare yourself for the sexual innuendo to follow.

5. The over-confident guy

Everything always has to be about them. They may compliment you, but it won’t be without complimenting themselves along the way.

6. Just thinking about you at midnight

We all can relate to the midnight/late-night text. They never hope you’re doing well at 10 am, but once the sun goes down “you’re all they think about”.

7. When you’re just trying to lay in bed and relax

Things like “laying in bed” cannot be said to a fuck boy. This will instantly turn into something sexual or them attempting to invite themselves over.

8. The “I’m so hard right now” text

Guys need to understand that we truly do not care about them being hard or how they get themselves off. Yet, this is on the top of the list for texts that ladies receive.


9.  Brings up your butt or boobs whenever he can

These are things that a fuck boy cannot resist talking about, and we’re over it.

10. The dick pic no girl has ever asked for

It is safe to say we all find dick pics repulsive 99% of the time. No one can figure out why guys feel the need to send us dick pics and more importantly, why they think it is cute.

11. Randomly texting you the dirty things he wants to do to you

But, you actually never hinted that you were interested in him or knowing what his fantasies are.

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12. The “if you come over I will make it worth your time”

I never said I wanted to come over? So.

13. “There are so many things I want to do to you”

This text usually follows after he asks you what you’re doing for the 100th time and you answer with “bored”. He somehow think it is the right time to make the move, but chances are it’s not.

14. “You look like you’d be so good”

Wow, thank you for that meaningless compliment. So happy that is how I look to you!

15. And the blunt fuck boy who gets straight to the point

You can’t even really be mad at this guuy because at least he got the point.

Do you have any other sexts that every fuck boy sends that should be on this list!? Share in the comments below!

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own!

Featured Image: weheartit