Categories: Sex

Sexting Messages To Send Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Unless you are lucky enough to live with your S.O, then chances are your sex life has changed drastically due to isolation. Sexting is a great way to keep the fire alive while you are miles apart. For some folks, sexting comes naturally, but if you are anything like me, when it comes to sexting, you experience an incredible rage of writer’s block. From awkward “U Up” snaps to random d*ck pics, somethings are better left up to the stars, sexting being one of them. Here are the sexting messages you need to send based on your zodiac sign. 


For adventurous, flirty and feisty Aries, it is better to hold off on the full-frontal nudes for now. It’s not that these Rams lack a way with words, it’s just that they prefer a softer approach to sext than other signs. Even something as simple as the mere suggestion of skin will drive an Aries wild. Just remember to keep it simple. 

Ex: “Check your phone in 5 for a little surprise ;)” 


Sensual Taurus is incredibly romantic and likes sexting with a side of intimacy. Approach sexting in a romantic way instead of doing it just to get off. Also, a Taurus loves to enjoy the finer things in life, so be sure to show off your luxurious taste while looking like a total snack. A sweaty picture of you post-workout in your high thread count sheets? Yes, please. A photo of you in a bikini from your most recent vacation? Hell ya. Add a flirty caption like: 

Ex: ” I want to feel you inside me, after I finish my margarita, of course.” 


Geminis are intellectuals, and in the sexting game, they love to be in control of the situation. Impress them with your in-depth description of what you would do to them, given a chance. The more details, the better and always be sure to check for typos. Be blunt, these twins do nearly everything on the fly, so fielding sexy queries randomly will come naturally to them. 

Ex: When was the last time you thought about me <Insert eggplant emoji>.”


While Cancers may be the most guarded sign of the zodiac, they can also be extremely dirty once you get past their shell. When it comes to sexting, you’ll want to go slow and dip your toe in the water before you do a full-on the plunge. Start by sending some flirty (and innocent) text messages back and forth then ease into the good stuff. Complement their latest photo or explain to them in detail what you liked about their last IRL encounter. 


Leos are suckers for a little ego-stroking, and these playful kitties love to play sexy games. Tap into Leo’s competitive side and play a game of twisted one-on-one truth or dare. I hate to spoil the ending, but you both win. 

Ex: ” I dare you to send me a photo of you, __.”


Virgos often get wrapped up in their thoughts, which is why they need to know you’re really into them before they feel comfortable sexting. Virgos love to relinquish control as long as they are holding the reigns over to someone they trust. Start with sexy pet names for your S.O. They will give you one back too, and if you’re lucky a little more. 


Libras are romantics. They always get lost in their thoughts like dancing in the middle of the street of reading sultry poetry to each other while you cuddle under the moonlight. So, if you are looking to sext, chances are you are going to need to step up your texting game. In other words, they’ve heard and read every trick in the book, so you might as well try to make them laugh with some fun and sexy role play. Whether you decide to play the sexy gardener or maybe even the milkman, make it fun, and the Libras attention will be all yours.


It’s no secret that Scorpios are intense, and when it comes to their sex life, the same rules apply. Scorps have serious lone wolf tendencies, so telling them about satisfying their needs just won’t cut it. Leave out the oozy mystery and make it perfectly clear that you need them to make your night complete.

See Also

Ex: “I need you right now.”


Adventurous and impulsive, Sagittarius loves to keep sex fun and entertaining above all else. Send your Sag some nudes. They’ll likely send some pics back right away—they have plenty saved in a secret folder, just waiting for this opportunity. 

Ex: ” I need you ready and on your knees when I get home. <Attach picture>”


As stubborn as their symbol, the Goat, isn’t the most direct when it comes to sex, and they like to compare all their options before they hop right into sex. A little teasing is sure to pique their interest, so be sure to start by sending dirty memes. Tapping into their cool and calculating attitude will make them feel like you get them. 


As fluid as its water sign, Aquarius is sext savvy. Make it clear that you want them to guide the conversation. Sending voice messages or even sexting over the phone will spark their seductive nature. Have fun with it. There’s no way of knowing where you’ll end up — besides in bed, that is.


Engaging a Pisces’ imagination is the quickest way into their life and, quite possibly, their bed. Pisces is one of the most romantic zodiac signs, so for them, sexting is about building up a sensual fantasy. Sending long and detailed paragraphs about how and when you want them will tap into their sexual nature. Don’t be afraid to role play, Pisces will adore it.  

Sexting can be hard, especially when you have no idea where to start. The stars are always a great place to look for guidance, and when it comes to sexting, the rules are hardly different. What are some of your best sexting tips? Drop a comment and let us know!

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Sierra Barela

Oh Hey! Sierra here. I'm armed with an iced coffee on the daily and I have a passion for writing. When I am not writing (is that even possible?) I enjoy reading, painting, dancing and hiking.

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