Categories: Celebrity

Top 10 Sexiest Male Celebs We’re Losing It Over

Some celeb men just never go out of style with their sexiness, and there are also those rising-star hotties that we are just dying over! With lots of new shows and movies coming up (especially those hot superhero ones and adorable rom-coms) here are some of the top sexiest male celebs (in no particular order) we are just losing it over!

1. Noah Centineo

A super cute rising-star, Noah is literally the perfect boyfriend material! That sexy boyish confidence, the tall-dark-and-handsome vibe, and of course his Italian roots, this guy is young, hot, and will make you swoooooon with his new rom-com “To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before”! I have yet met a girl who has not fallen for his Peter Kavinsky charm.

2. Ansel Elgort

Oh Ansel…we have fallen in love with him when seeing him in “The Fault In Our Stars” a few years ago, and he has given us the feels again in movies like “Baby Driver” and “Billionaire Boys Club”. He definitely has that boy-next-door charm but can also play the sexy bad boy! He is hands down one of the sexiest young male celebs ever!

3. Zac Efron

Since “High School Musical”, us 10-year-olds were dying over Zac! Till this day he remains one of the sexiest male celebs ever! Those dreamy blue eyes are impossible not to fall in love with, and he is hands down hot in every single movie (even as Ted Bundy)! Be sure to check out his classics like “17 Again”, “The Lucky One”, and”Hairspray”.

4. Jensen Ackles

Jensen is highly known for the show “Supernatural” and he is just the sexiest bad boy in it! Super confident, charming, and hilariously sarcastic, he is that type of guy and gal would swoon over. We hope to see A LOT more of him in the coming future because he is insane eye candy!!

5. Ryan Gosling

Ugh Ryan is beyond a questionable doubt one of the sexiest male celebs in history. Ever since “The Notebook” came out, I am pretty sure all girls wanted to marry him on the spot! A ridiculous romantic, he can also play a super hot playboy in movies like, “Crazy, Stupid Love”. Super famous for his funny “Hey Girl” memes, Ryan will never go out of style. Ever.

6. Ryan Reynolds

Another sexy Ryan, this one is also by far one of the sexiest male celebs of all time. Super known for his Deadpool career now, he was extremely known for movies like “Just Friends” and “The Proposal” with Sandra Bullock. He has that hot maturity about him but he is also extremely funny and romantic in all of his movies, so obviously we lose it every time we see him! Pretty sure we are all jealous of his beautiful wife Blake!

7. Shawn Mendes

Okay so at first many saw Shawn as a scrawny little kid trying to be Justin Bieber, but oh my…he grew up fineee. Low key, who has not drooled over seeing his Calvin Klein commercial and photo shoot?! He is young but getting manly quick with those sexy muscles!!! Shawn, you are growing up to be a very fine man…a little too much for us to handle!

See Also

8. Henry Cavill

Okaaaay so Henry is like one of the sexiest men to walk the earth. This typical tall-dark-and-handsome guy was just meant to be Superman. That sexy, strong jawline and intense look in his eye will make any woman fall at his feet! He is quite literally a god who has fallen on Earth to tease us gals with his perfection.

9. Richard Madden

Hey there Prince Rob of Winterfell! Richard is quite the perfect Prince in multiple movies and shows like “Cinderella” and “Game of Thrones” (and a hella sexy DJ in the Netflix original, “Ibiza”). Let’s be honest, who has not died inside when Rob Stark was taken from us?! Richard is by far one of the sexiest celebs to date with his Prince Charming, heroic vibes.

10. Mena Massoud

Last but not least, rising star Mena, has satisfied our childhood fantasy with his role as the sexiest Aladdin possible! Gosh, that lovely smile and exotic, princely charisma, he can take us on a magic carpet ride at any time! Extremely talented and just down right HOT, Mena definitely has a bright future ahead of him!

Hope your feed was blessed with these top 10 hottie celebs! What are some of your favorites?!
Maya Hufman

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