Looking for ways to get a few extra dollars to spend this summer without having to work? A great way to do this is to sell your old electronics. There are websites designed to help people get the most cash for their old electronics. Once you get a a new phone or computer there’s really no point in keeping the old one once you transfer your files over, so why not get some money in the process?
At SideStreet Technology, you sell your electronics directly to the company. They accept old iPhones, iPads, Blackberries, Samsung phones, HTC phones, and Motorola phones. A good thing about SideStreet is that they will give you a very good price depending on what state your phone is in. SideStreet Technology will accept most phones no matter what their condition is. Once you receive a quote, they’ll send you a prepaid FedEx label, and promise to send you your money within two days of receiving your electronics, and customer reviews all rave about the efficiency of the site.
USell is another site where you can sell your used or broken electronics. At USell, you can sell your iPhones, iPads, iPods, mp3 players, tablets, gaming consoles and games, cameras, and camcorders. You choose what item you would like to sell, and you’re matched up with different buyers and you choose which is the best match for you. As with SideStreet, shipping is free. Once the buyer receives your item then you’ll get your money. There are plenty of choices so you’ll be sure to find out that will give you a good amount of money for your product.
Get up to an extra $10 for your sold electronics when you use the site with Studentrate!
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