There is no question that this year has been tough for many, with our emotions being tested during difficult times. In astrology, our moon sign indicates our vulnerabilities and what our emotions are like. Our sun sign, on the other hand, is who we are as people–our everyday and natural personality. Both our moon and sun sign can help us navigate exactly what and how we should be taking care of ourselves. This will help maintain healthy relationships with ourselves and with the people we love.
While our sun sign simply requires the month and date in which we were born (which you can find here), our moon sign depends on where and what time we were born. To calculate your moon sign, you can go to the Astrolabe site. Below are self-care to-dos based on your moon and sun sign you should try. While you should focus more on your moon sign, also look at your sun sign for a secondary option that might work better for who you are as an individual. Let’s get started!
Aries are very strong and can handle strenuous situations. Which is why they are admired by many. They can be very quick with their emotions though, which is why they need to sublimate their fiery feelings and intense stress. A good way to do this is by taking up martial arts. This will give an Aries moon or sun discipline in their emotions through self-defense, and also provides spiritual and mental development to combat the rashness of their thoughts. They will be able to simultaneously think through and kick butt, as they do so well.
A fixed sign, Taurus moon and sun signs are determined and are able to find stability within themselves; this is even more so because they are an earth sign, so their feet are firmly planted on the ground. Additionally, Taurus beings constantly seek nourishment, lacking it from the sun. This is why Taurians and Taurus moons need to make good, healthy meals to keep them motivated and nourished throughout the day. This is a good self care habit that will boost mood and improve productivity.
Gemini’s are always talking and thinking, especially Gemini moons. Gemini moons are constantly in their heads when it comes to their emotions. Instead of always relying on others to listen to their minds, essentially, a great way to release emotions and thoughts is to journal in the stream of consciousness. This is a method of writing that allows your mind to run free–rule-free–and write thoughts as they pop in your head. It can be on a phone or in a physical journal. Either way, this self care trick will do wonders for you!
Now, this seems oddly specific, but hear me out. Cancer energy is the most intuitive of the zodiac signs. Even more so when someone is a cancer moon. Cancer moons and suns alike have difficulty killing bad habits and need something recognizable as a constant in their life. Cancers are very maternal or are very close to the women in their life. It can be your mom, your significant other, or even your favorite character on a nostalgic tv show you love. Make sure you make time with these women because you’ll remember yourself again. They are your constant.
Whether it’s a Leo moon or a Leo sun, there is no doubt they go out and show out in showering people in gifts or show mad love for someone they care about. The only downside to this is that Leo’s expect the same exact thing in return. They can be stubborn too, which adds to the expectation. Instead, if you’re a Leo moon or sun sign, rebel by taking care of yourself the most. The best way to do this by cutting your hair and freeing yourself from your bad habit of never letting go. You’ll rock a new fierce mane to appreciate yourself and learn to finally let go!
Virgos are fixers. They think everything can be fixed if you analyze it enough. What Virgo sun and moon people don’t realize at times is that it’s not just about the solution, but about self-expression in terms of self-care. Virgo energy emits natural healing properties and the ability to feel better when selfless. A selfless self care act they can partake in is taking care of plants! It’s a solvable act and it’s nature therapy, so it brings ease. Also, Virgo is associated with the digestive system, so it would be cool to try a plant-based diet to maintain a healthy digestive system.
Maturity and softness best describe Libras. However, if a Libra moon or sun is preoccupied with how others feel, they almost appear passionless because there isn’t a balance in the relationships they exist in. In order for Libra moon and suns to self-care, they need to find their individuality by being alone. A great way to do this is by having a careful skincare routine. Having a careful skincare routine will keep them occupied and have their skin balanced. This is especially important because the skin is associated with Libra energy and balance is an important tenant for the zodiac sign.
A Scorpio sun and especially Scorpio moons can be extremely intense to many. This can be due to them basking in their emotions, almost becoming addicted to wallowing at times. This can be unfortunate because while Scorpio’s can come off really broody, they are really enchanting and captivating people. In order to float and not drown in their emotions, Scorpio sun and moons need escapism in the form of nostalgia. Listening to their favorite music and looking at pictures or having items in memory of the people they love is perfect self care for this water sign.
Sagittarius’ are very optimistic and lit beings. Every day is positive and exciting with them. However, they can feel really stuck if their freedom is closed in on them. A Sagittarius sun or moon might not even speak up when this happens, but it’s good to know that this can bring them down. A good way to alleviate this problem is by traveling. You can travel to Italy or travel to an area of town you’ve never been to. The point is you are somewhere new. You can catch a breath of fresh air and feel free again!
Like Libra’s, Capricorns are emotionally mature, especially Capricorn moons. They can also have unsaid expectations too, though, just like Leos. This is more prevalent when looking at intimacy and romantic relationships. Capricorn energy usually holds back feelings because they believe everything is about timing. They plan out everything. Life is unexpected though, so Capricorn moons and suns should list out their problems and what they’re going to do about it. This way they can take control of their life once again and can even share it with people they trust. It’ll truly be worth it, trust me!
Logic kills Aquarius energy when looking at self-care. Aquarians are unique by being very calm with emotions and sensitive to others’ feelings, but also hold in a lot because they are water bearers of the zodiac signs. They tend to go through a lot, so it’s important for them to let go and cry. An interesting way for them to feel the sadness they experience is by watching romantic mystery films. Movies that explore elevated concepts of emotion and relationships that will eventually have them in tears. Sounds sad, but it’s relieving and a good way to have an Aquarius sun or moon feel through puzzlement in thought-provoking art.
Pisces can be very wise people. They are extremely empathetic and hyperaware of the world and what it possesses. This can be to the point of them being so spiritual that they forget about the present moment. This is why meditating as a self care method should be utilized by Pisces moon and suns. This will remind them to live today and not move too fast. They are also super sensitive, so this will help with reminding the self that everything is going to be okay no matter what. There are many ways to meditate, so do your research. I would look at water meditation since that’s Pisces’ element!
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