
10 Secrets No One Tells You About Your Skin

One of the biggest lies in the industry is having “perfect skin.” Your skin is already perfect, and with these tips, you can only make it better.

1. DIY Face Masks

In the beauty industry, there has been a huge movement for cruelty-free and all natural products. Instead of spending your money on a commercial face mask, take some time to wind down and make your own. Avocado, honey and yogurt masks are all very popular options. If you need directions, head to Pinterest for a ton of step-by-step guides and recommendations!

2. Hydration Comes From Your Diet

If you’re someone who doesn’t like drinking water, focus on eating more fruits and vegetables. The USDA recommends eating five or more cumulative servings per day. Not only will you get more vitamins and nutrients, your skin will be more naturally hydrated. Cucumbers, celery and watermelon are easy summer snacks that will also help your skin. They also make good ingredients for a refreshing smoothie!

3. Your Makeup Can Help Your Skin

Once again, all natural products are the best for your skin. You will dodge any sketchy chemicals and help the environment. Additionally, some brands such as It Cosmetics and Neutrogena incorporate skin care with your makeup products.

4. Check Your Products’ Expiration Dates

Your favorite toners, moisturizers and exfoliants all have expiration dates. Even if they were intended to help your skin, using expired products can create a long list of side effects. When it comes to your skin, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. So, make sure to go through your cabinet and throw out any product past its expiration date!

5. Moisturize When Your Pores Are Open

To get the full benefits of your favorite products, you have to make sure your skin is ready. When beginning your skincare or makeup routine, always make sure your skin is clean. When it comes time to moisturize your skin, gently apply a hot towel. This will open your pores and make you feel like you’re at a spa. Always remember to apply moisturizer to your neck as well.

6. Stop UVA and UVB rays

Protect yourself from all of the sun’s harmful rays this summer. Not only will you prevent wrinkling, you’ll also prevent a nasty, detrimental sunburn.

See Also

7. Follow a Regular Routine

Consistency is key. A routine is going to make things easier for you and will be better for your skin in the long term. For example, if you wear your makeup to bed one night instead of taking it off , your skin is going to breakout. Similar reactions can happen if you change the frequency or products you use.

8. Clean Your Surroundings

Anything that comes into contact with your skin needs to be cleaned regularly. Think sheets, pillows, towels, brushes, your phone, etc. This will diminish the amount of bacteria your skin comes in contact with, ultimately leading to cleaner, less damaged skin.

9. Quit Drinking Coffee

Caffeine is insanely drying for your skin. Dry skin can eventually lead to breakage and wrinkles. To prevent all of this, limit the amount of coffee you drink and make sure to rehydrate after every cup.

10. Vitamins!

Once again, your diet has a huge impact on your skin. Don’t take any risks–take a vitamin instead. Vitamin A, K and E have the greatest impact on skin. If you want to learn more about vitamins, use Care/of and take their free 5 minute quiz to see what vitamins you’re missing from your diet. This will guarantee you’re helping your skin no matter what you eat.

How were these tips helpful? Let us know in the comments!
Featured Image Source:
Chloe Meisner

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