20 Secret Santa Gifts You Can Get on Amazon Prime

Did someone give you a gift and you forgot to get them something in return? Well, luckily for you, Amazon Prime can save your holiday season from being extremely awkward. Here’s a list of 20 awesome Amazon Secret Santa gifts you can get for literally every person on your list. And don’t worry, because it’s Prime (s/o to 2 day shipping), no one will ever know you forgot. The amount of Secret Santa gifts Amazon has to choose from will leave you with no problem finding the right gift for the right person!
1. These pencils to serve as a daily reminder.
For the friend who could use a little extra motivation
2. A Tumblr That Speaks Wisdom
Why not eat cake for breakfast? You know what they say, you only live once!
3. A Charger keychain so they’ll never be without a charger again.
For the friend whose phone is always dying.
4. An electric wine bottle opener to impress all of their friends.
For the wine addict who always leaves the cork stuck in the corkscrew.
5. Adorable Wine Markers
There’s nothing like setting down your glass and forgetting which one was yours when you go to pick it up back up. With these adorable kitty cat wine glass markers, no longer will anyone at the party forget whose glass is whose!
6. This ceramic soup mug for Harry Potter fans.
Okay is there anything cooler than this black cauldron style soup mug that also comes with a spoon?! If you’ve got a Harry Potter lover in your life, THIS is the perfect gift.
7. A Secret Santa gift for the know-it-all friend.
We all have that friend who’s always making the witty comments and sarcastic jokes. This is the only mug they need to sip their coffee out of.
8. A Bottle Keeper to keep beer cold longer.
For the beer lover who always complains when his drink gets warm.
9. Fill the pages and then destroy them with Wreck This Journal.
For the bored writer who has too many thoughts.
10. Cards Against Humanity for late night fun.
For the funny friend with lots of funny friends.
11. Stranger Things T-Shirt for that obsessed fan.
For the friend who’s obsessed with Stranger Things.
12. Central Perk mug for your closest “Friends” fan.
For the Friends-addicted friend.
13. Unique laptop stickers.
For the tech-savvy friend.
14. A pair of cute sunglasses.
For the friend who loves the sun and hates to squint.
15. Headphones that will stand out.
For the friend who have their headphones perpetually tangled in a knot.
16. Mini speaker that they’ll be able to take everywhere.
For the music-addicted friend.
17. A cute scarf for the cooler weather.
For the friend who loves to accessorize.
18. Adult coloring books are a fun way to de-stress.
For the friend who needs some stress relief.
19. Their shade of liquid lipstick!
For the makeup lover.
20. A gift card to their favorite store.
For the broke friend on a budget – a.k.a. everyone.
Can you think of any other good Secret Santa gifts? Let us know in the comments below!Featured image source: www.totalvelours.com/