Two years ago I made the best decision of my life when I chose to…
There are so many different misconceptions of Greek culture. Whether influenced by the media, your peers or…
Joining Greek Life is a unique experience in college, both for you and for your…
Here are 15 UVA alums who you might just recognize! The University of Virginia has…
With fall officially upon us, the time for lattes, sweaters, movie nights and jack-o-lanterns is…
Ever start to edit your resume and suddenly realize the only things you have on…
Beauty has become a catchall label for an industry that just keeps outdoing itself. With…
Have you ever watched a film and experienced a minor déjà vu moment wondering where…
Ah, high school. Those were indeed the days. Whether you were a Collegiate “lifer” or…
Here are the 10 signs that you are definitely go to UVA: 1. You’re perception…