University of Michigan

10 GIFs That Accurately Describe What Its Actually Like To Be A Student At The University of Michigan

10 GIFs That Accurately Describe What Its Actually Like To Be A Student At The University of Michigan

When I was packing to move in to go to University of Michigan, all I…

5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To The University Of Florida

It’s around that time of the year when colleges are sending out their admission decisions…

There are plenty of things that happen to you at the University of Michigan on a daily basis. If you're a UMich student, you'll relate!

10 Things That Will 100 Percent Happen To You At The University Of Michigan

After spending a little over a semester here at the University of Michigan, I have…

The Typical Day Of A Student At The University Of Michigan

First thing’s first—there’s a lot that goes into being the leaders and best, all day…

Are you wondering what the best dorms at The University of Florida are? Avoid the worst with this ranking of the worst dorms at The University of Florida!

Ranking Of The Worst Dorms At The University Of Florida

It’s about that time of year again where students at the University of Florida are…

“Everyone makes mistakes.” Here’s a list of the classic 20 mistakes every University of Michigan freshman makes during their first year!

20 Mistakes Every University of Michigan Freshman Makes

“Everyone makes mistakes.” Whether you’re using this mantra to make yourself feel better after accidentally…

5 Reasons Our Friendships Change

Relationships are like the seasons, it’s meant to change especially throughout college. Even though it’s…