University of California Los Angeles

20 Of The Funniest Posts Found In The UCLA Facebook And Overheard Groups

As sought after and prestigious UCLA is, the university definitely has its downsides. And the…

10 Things Every UCLA Student Asks Themselves

UCLA students know there are certain things we constantly question ourselves during our time here. Rather, if you…

What Exactly Happens During Sorority Recruitment At UCLA

Starting your freshman year at UCLA can be daunting in a plethora of ways. Including…

What To Do Around UCLA When You’re Broke AF

As college students, we can’t deny that we have limited budgets. Whether we’re unemployed but…

Los Angeles Restaurants With Halloween Happy Hours For Your Pregame

Just when you thought Los Angeles couldn’t get any better, the city steps it up…

Are you stuck wondering where to take them or what to your parents? Don't worry! Keep reading for 7 things to do with your parents in Los Angeles.

7 Things To Do With Your Parents In Los Angeles

USC is known for its prime location in LA, this means when your parents come…

10 Cute Date Ideas To Do Around Los Angeles

Luckily, UCLA is situated right in Los Angeles, the urban city of fame in California.…

20 Amazing UCLA Dorms For Major Decor Inspiration

The school year’s almost here, and we all have mixed feelings about that— dreading the…