Florida State University

9 Reasons I’m Excited To Start At Florida State University

I am halfway through my senior year in high school and was just accepted into…

Ranking Of The Worst Places To Eat At Florida State University


FSU has a ton of great restaurants to eat at, but with every good restaurant,…

10 Best Places To Cry When You Just Can’t Anymore At Florida State University

Whether its finals week stress, or the all-nighters getting to you, sometimes you just can’t…

Are you wondering which FSU dorms are the best? Lucky for you, we have a ranking from best to worst. You'll find the right one for you!

The Ultimate Ranking Of FSU Dorms

So, you want the details of where to live on campus at FSU? You clicked…

If you're a student at Emerson College then you understand the struggle of seeing the same types of people every day. Read and relate with these points!

What Exactly Happens At Freshman Orientation At Emerson College

So you’re all moved in to your dorm, you’ve hugged your mom and dad goodbye,…

What Exactly Happens During Sorority Recruitment At Florida State University

What Exactly Happens During FSU Recruitment

Every year FSU is flooded with a new population that takes over campus for one…