Emerson College

10 Things You Will Never Hear A Student Say At Emerson College

Emerson College is unique when compared to other colleges. It is a school focused on…

17 People You Will Always Run Into At Emerson College


There are so many different types of students studying at Emerson. From going to class,…

A Typical Day Of A Student At Emerson College


So, you’ve decided to come to Emerson College to further your education or maybe you’ve…

The 12 Funniest Facebook Statuses Posted By Emerson Students

Let’s face it, 2016 has been a pretty upsetting year; between all the devastating celebrity deaths…

If you're a student at Emerson College then you understand the struggle of seeing the same types of people every day. Read and relate with these points!

What Exactly Happens At Freshman Orientation At Emerson College

So you’re all moved in to your dorm, you’ve hugged your mom and dad goodbye,…

10 Things Every Emerson College Student Asks Themselves

At Emerson, we crave to learn and all have inquisitive minds, however many of the…

10 Free Things To Do In Boston

Ahhhhh, free stuff, the great equalizer among college students. What could be even better than…