Categories: School

5 School Supplies That Are A Must This Coming School Year

Summer is coming to an end and school is creeping around the corner so you’re going to need some school supplies. Whether you’re still in high school or living that college life, these are some school supplies that you gotta have, whether it be for the practicality of it or just something neat.

1. TUL Custom note-taking system

I’ve dreamt of this notebook some nights and haven’t mustered up the courage to buy it yet, but let me tell you about it. If you’re someone who loves the freedom of binders (taking pages in and out and reorganizing) but does not like the bulky aspect to the binder, TUL notebook is perfect. This notebook has specially designed pages that you can take in and out to reorganize without ripping them but allows you to treat the entire notebook like a notebook still! It’s slim but hard covered, the pages flip completely around so you can write on it like a clipboard. Not only that, but you can buy separate add-ons to the notebook such as sticky note page, or rulers. It also has compartments on the first page for important notes, as well as a pen holster so you don’t lose your favorite pen. This is an absolute must, best notebook ever.

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2. Clearview Sharpies

Let’s paint a picture. You’ve found something super important in your notes that you have to highlight. You bust out our fav highlighter and go to mark the line, but you miss all the words and now you’re page has a huge line because you couldn’t see where you wanted your pen to go. These Sharpie Clearview highlighters change all of that! It has a clear plastic around the tip of the highlighter so you can see exactly where you want to highlight. It might sound like a small fix to a rather easy task, but once you try these bad boys, you’ll never want to go back. 

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This one seems like a given, but if you use them correctly, they can make your student life a heck of a lot easier. Remembering dates, important asides in your notes, or using them as subtle study guides scattered around your dorm, they are helpful AF. There’s always that one kid in your class that has them and you think to yourself “What a try-hard, who needs sticky notes?”, until you find out that that kid is getting straight A’s and they’re actually really helpful! Post-It notes are the bomb, change my mind…

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4. Dry erase calendar

I’ve had this one for a while now and it’s unbelievable, and not even if you’re just a student. If you’re a busy student or you’re also working multiple jobs, it’s nice to have a physical calendar you can see and change without just having it all on your phone. With the dry erase aspect it makes it so easy to switch around due dates if you read the syllabus wrong, or switch shifts at your serving job that every student is doing to pay for everything… Whatever the case may be, a dry erase calendar is a must this school season and will help you stay organized in the chaos that school reigns upon us all.

See Also

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5. Pen cap utensils

Ok don’t laugh, this one is serious, especially for the youngin’s coming out of high school and haven’t experienced a 4-hour lecture without eating yet… And don’t tell me that I’m the only one who’s forgotten a fork to school because that one week you got yourself together and decided to meal prep lunches. With the pen cap utensils, you can just leave them in your bag and alternate note-taking with food munching! This one might be more of a gag and will surely get you a couple laughs which is worth it entirely, but the practical use of it could be nice too…

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These are our top picks for school supplies this coming school year! Let us know what yours are in the comments!

Featured image:
Grifyn McErlean

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