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Scenes From Incredibles 2 That Are Just Too Relatable

Scenes From Incredibles 2 That Are Just Too Relatable

If you've seen Incredibles 2, then you know just how relatable certain scenes from the movie can be. Which scene do you relate to the most?

We’ve waited 14 years for this movie, and let me just say it was incredible. Sorry for the bad pun, but in all honestly if you’ve had the privilege of seeing this movie, you understand. Incredibles 2 was all we could have asked for and more.  The movie mixed the famous characters of our childhood with familiar situations we all face growing up. Below are 7 scenes from the new Incredibles 2 movie that made us all think, “I’ve been there”.

1. The need to press all the buttons

When Elastigirl gets her new job, the family moves into a new house.  Rather, a new enormous and tricked out mansion. Dash, upon exploration, finds a panel and a remote full of buttons, so clearly he needs to find out what they all do. Wouldn’t we all?

2. Your parents never being able to help with your homework

I’m going to be honest, I first saw Incredibles 2 in theaters with my mom and I was so glad I did. I specifically remember frantically nudging her when Mr. Incredible delivers the line, “why would they change math?”. I knew I heard this statement many many times at the dinner table during homework time or around the schoolyard from groups of chatting parents.  Math homework was always the worst. All the new formulas and processes made it impossible to get help from the adults in your life!


3. Not wanting to be the babysitter

Because who wants to be stuck with the baby when everyone else is out having fun? Especially if you’re not being paid.

4. Parents trying to get involved in relationships

When Mr. Incredible sees how upset Violet is over her crush, he formulates a scheme to help them get to know each other.  However, thinking it would be a great surprise, he doesn’t let her in on the plan. So yeah, it was terrible. We’ve all been here, whether it was our parents trying to set us up with some random guy or when they constantly share their opinion on who we’re dating.  We know they’re trying to help, but sometimes they need to back off and let us handle things on our own.

5. Jack-Jack not coming unless he’s given a cookie

Smart boy, I should have started this trend years ago.  I’ll come, but only for a cookie.

See Also

6. A man shocked a woman could do a better job than him

Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl and Frozone are gathered together for a presentation on how to bring back super heroes, but only one of them is chosen to kickstart the campaign: Elastigirl.  Mr. Incredible is shocked and hurt and can’t see why he wasn’t chosen. He had gotten used to being the only breadwinner for the family and he probably didn’t realize he was hurting his wife by preventing her from reaching her full potential.

7. Violet spilling water out of her nose when she sees her crush

We’ve all had our embarrassments when seeing our crush in public.  Whether it’s forgetting how to speak, tripping, hiding, or spitting water out of your nose, everyone has a bad memory of seeing that special someone while looking their worst.


Which one of these scenes from Incredibles 2 do you relate to the most? Let us know in the comments!

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