Your Sagittarius 2018 Yearly Horoscope

Here’s what your Sagittarius 2018 yearly horoscope has in mind for you this year: transitions. 2018 is a year of transitional phases and learning to embrace a more go-with-the-flow outlook on things. You’ll have the capacity to work your magic behind the scenes so you can make a grand entrance again in November. You tend to be a Type “A” person who likes to make things happen on your own but every 12 years, life throws something unexpected at you. This is one of those years.
In 2018, trying to force things is going to be a waste of your time and energy; it truly is a useless battle. You’ll find yourself attempting to swim upstream and it just isn’t going to work out for you. However, if you stop resisting what the universe has in store for you, you’ll reap the benefits. Things will fall into place a lot better for your yearly horoscope if you stop trying to control everything.
Sagittarius 2018 Yearly Horoscope Overview
Spend 2018 learning how to surrender and tune in to the bigger picture or divine arts: art, music, chanting, yoga, charity work and journaling. These will all prove to be incredible healing tools for you. 2018 cosmos have you needing to do some forgiveness and face some old demons who you’ve attempted to hide away. 2018 brings you plenty of people willing to work as your support system. There will be a new 12 year chapter for you approaching when November 8, 2018 hits and the Jupiter and Sagittarius transit takes place. Anything you’ve been struggling with will finally fall away. There are several things you’ll discover in 2018 that no longer suit you. It’s time to move forward and this is the year to wipe the slate clean Sag.
On New Years Day, Jupiter goes conjunct with single-minded Mars and hangs out in Scorpio. This is not the time to waste. You have several big things you want to do and that is the day to do so. It’ll kick off your yearly horoscope in a proper way. Three planets kick off the year in Capricorn: the Sun, Venus and Pluto. Jupiter and Pluto are actually backing up a cooperative sextile. If you are eager to see results, make sure you are going with the flow. March until early July is a great four month period to carefully observe and make calculations to advance your social life as well as your career. If you want to hit those goals, you’ll need to dial it back a little bit. By time November 8 hits, Jupiter leaves Scorpio and enters your sign. You’ll feel unstoppable for the rest of the year.
Sagittarius 2018 Love Horoscope
Hotheaded Uranus, the planet of sudden change, has big things in store for your Sagittarius love horoscope in 2018. It will start its departure from your fifth house of love and passion in mid-May after an insane seven year trek. So while things might start to cool off, your ruling planet, Jupiter, is in your fantasy-fueled house until November. You very well could be swept off your feet in 2018. You might feel as though they have soul-mate potential but again, your fantasy-fueled house is ablaze. This is going to be a hard year to tell what’s going on in your love life. In mid-July, an eclipse takes part in your intimate sector and you could find yourself saying “I do” and others going through a major breakup. Several life transitions are taking part and it’s going to demand a lot of emotional energy.
Allow yourself to have some space and emerge from a well-needed emotional break. You will be back on your feet when Jupiter enters your sign for 13 months come November. Be patient and allow yourself to go with the flow. Luckily, New Year’s Day the Mars and Jupiter conjunction in Venus gives you some sex appeal and popularity for the night. Several planets go into retrograde which will alter your love horoscope slightly. The Jupiter retrograde in Scorpio from March to July will keep your social life under control.
Again, as long as you go with the flow, things should be okay. The most important love prospect will present themselves in the middle of November when Venus retrograde ends. It will be in the gracious, relationship oriented Libra and will help lasting commitments arise. It’s worth it to take your time this year and chill out. Love shouldn’t be your top priority. Learn to slow down.
Sagittarius 2018 Career Horoscope
Your Sagittarius 2018 career horoscope on the other hand, has things in store for you. Over the past few years you’ve grown a lot. You can thank mature Saturn for its three year visit in your sign from 2014 to 2017. Saturn will finally bring you structure to your finances and push you to budget your life. You need to start thinking long-term security and make it a priority. You may need to make some financial cuts to your life but these sensible decisions are well worth it over time. On July 12, an unexpected collab could arrive thanks to the Cancer solar eclipse; it’ll be in your wealth sector. Talk about bonus. The full moon in Cancer that takes place twice will help would bountiful bonuses.
What is key for your career is your enthusiasm and drive that makes every opportunity beneficial. Every year has their ups and downs but overall 2018 will present ups even if you may not think it. The first Saturn retrograde takes place in the middle of April until September. If the opportunity to ask for a promotion or to boost your cash flow seems to occur less often, it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Take time to think things over twice and ask yourself if you’re truly benefiting from being where you are. Show off any organizational and leadership skills you have in November and December; you’ll make friends along the way and end the year financially strong.
You ready for YOUR Sagittarius 2018 Yearly Horoscope?
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Hi, I'm Leah, a Los Angelino living in Boston! I'm a grad from Northeastern University with a Bachelors from the College of Arts, Media and Design. I'm obsessed with going on adventures, photography, writing, being a Taurus and finding hidden gem restaurants, musicians and places to travel. I live for tacos and you can't keep me away from a cute farm stand. I also live for Instagram ... oops!