Safest Gym Exercises That Won’t Leave You Too Sore

Working out at the gym is a good way to improve both your health and confidence, but it shouldn’t be at the expense of hurting yourself. That’s why it’s good to know some of the safest gym exercises your body can handle without feeling too sore afterwards. Not only are these exercises safe but they can also be done in the comfort of your own home.
1. Pushups
Strengthening your arms and legs are good for those long move-in days. Pushups are a benefit to those wanting to strengthen their upper body along with their triceps, pectoral muscles and shoulders. One of the safest gym exercises out there, pushups can virtually be done anywhere and can be done in a variety of ways. However, one should always be careful while doing them since improper pushups can lead to lower back and shoulder pain. One tip is to modify the exercise by doing pushups against a wall or on your knees.
2. Walking On A Treadmill
Routine walking improves cardiovascular health and burns calories. The lower body benefits the most out of this safe gym exercise. You have control of the incline, so you can walk for minutes on end at 3.5 mph without tearing anything significant. Although it’s difficult to spot the change in thighs at first, regular walking on a treadmill allows for losses of body fat in almost every part of the body. Also, for those wanting to challenge themselves they can try walking with light dumbbells, just make sure they’re around 2 to 5 pounds.
3. Yoga
No doubt a contender for one of the safest gym exercises, Yoga helps soothes the mind and body, allowing for you to take on any day of the week no problem. Any person with a interest in exercising and good health can do Yoga. And whether you’re doing it alone or with a group at the gym, there’s no better way to increase flexibility in your body. Yoga’s incorporation of meditation and breathing is also a great stress reliever, especially when someone or something is starting to get on your nerves.
4. Jumping Jacks
Simples, easy, and somewhat competitive. Jumping Jacks have been a staple of good fitness every since we all were jumping during elementary school. This 7-minute workout improves stamina and overall flexibility in the body. Plus, who wouldn’t want to feel like gravity can’t hold them down. One of the safest gym exercises in the world, jumping jacks burns calories and helps to combat against obesity.
5. Walking Lunges
It’s often be said that the inner and outer thighs are ignored during routine workouts. This is why lunges are so important. The focus is on the lower body, specifically the hamstrings and thighs. Keeping one leg forward and making sure the knees don’t hit the floor are crucial. Hip flexibility, better spinal health, and core stability are just some of the great outcomes from this simple yet effective workout. And much like pushups, lunges can be modified to suit your workout needs.
6. Planks
This is sort of an addition to the push up. Planking involves holding a push-up position for about 20 seconds or more. However, this is just standard planking. One of the most common variations is the forearm plank which involves placing the forearms on the ground with the elbows aligned below the shoulders. The next step to the standard pushups, what makes planking one of the safest gym exercises is its versatility. Planking can be done for 20seconds or even for a few minutes with the right core strength. It can also be done with a medicine ball, but that’s only for those wanting to increase the intensity.