Sad songs can be the perfect thing for a good cry. We all have bad days, or times when you want nothing more than to curl up in bed and cry. Life can be overwhelming – it can feel as though the world is crumbling around you and you can do nothing about it. Don’t try to hold back the tears, because sometimes a good cry is all you need to get back on the path and stop feeling so downtrodden! Here are some sad songs that can help you get that cry out!
A few songs on Harry’s debut album evoke a dreamy, nostalgic feeling, but his first released single makes me feel both hopeful and sad. Also, Styles himself has stated the song is about a mother in childbirth singing to her child because she knows she will die afterwards. If that image along with the song doesn’t make you at least a little sad, I do not understand you.
This song is brilliant but so sad too. When I first discovered it in my first year of university I played it non-stop for about two weeks. The melody is painstakingly melancholy, and the lyrics are simple but effective. As always, Adele’s voice hits you in the stomach, but in a really good way.
This song can be sweet, and there is a hint of old-timey romance in this version, but I prefer to listen to it in the dark thinking about my awful love life. Reinhart’s voice is alternatingly soft and hard, even breaking (purposefully) on some of the higher notes. A wonderfully bittersweet song when you want to think about someone you like but can’t have.
Yes, I know this song is from The Hunger Games soundtrack. Does that make it any less sad? No. In fact, depending on whether you’re a fan of the series or not, this knowledge could make the song sadder. Birdy’s high, questioning voice fits beautifully with the lilting music and the lyrics are perfect for really listening to and then crying.
This is a popular song, but it doesn’t make it any less sad. The melody feels like smoke in the air, and Tonra’s voice is like the kindling on the bonfire. The lyrics are so evocatively sad, and that’s all I have to say about that. A good one to listen to on soundproof headphones in the dark.
God, I love this song. I think the story told within it is absolutely beautiful but also heart-breaking. You really get a sense of danger and sacrifice but also a strange sense of calm because of Aksnes’s magical voice that sounds like a woodland fairy telling a centuries-old tale. You really believe what she is telling you.
Unfortunately, The Civil Wars are no longer together, but this song remains one of my all-time favourites. It is somehow both peaceful and depressing. Listen to this one when you want simple melodies, brilliant harmonies, and a sense of love and loss.
Lana has come out with some extremely depressing songs in her time, but the reason I chose this one is because from the opening lyrics Lana evokes such a wistful sense of time passing and loss that it’s almost painful to listen to – wonderful to cry to though!
Sufjan Stevens has a lot of sad songs and it was immensely difficult to pick just one but this one won purely because Sufjan’s voice is so achingly soft and the lyrics speak directly to the listener. Also, it’s about mortality and that’s worth crying about any time.
This song is so simple and that’s what makes it so effective. Lorde’s self-deprecating lyrics are about the reflection of a girl who can’t seem to keep anybody in her life – hence, being a liability. If you’ve ever felt like you’re not good enough for anyone, put this song on and have a little cry. Lorde would want you to, probably.
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