10 Rom-Com Movies That You Must See With Your Boyfriend

We all have those nights where we just wanna sit back, relax, and watch a late night movie with our significant other.
But, there are some #Rom-Com movies that just bore your boyfriend out of their mind!
Not to worry, we have your back! Below are the top 10 list of Rom-Com movies–not in order– that are a must-watch for those chill nights that will guarantee a spark of entertainment for both parties.
1. When We First Met
If you’re into the idea of time-travel and endless drama, then get ready for this one. When We First Met covers the story of a man who keeps going back in time to experience the first night that he met the love of his life to change events and have the future with her that he’s always wanted.
2. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
If you desire something that will strum your emotional strings, then you’re in for a treat with this one. This film is full of drama, sci-fi, and romance that tells the story of a couple who is trying to erase the memories they have of each other. Showing a passion filled relationship and a painful break-up, this movie is going to send you through a roller-coaster of emotions.
3. Her
Mentioning a man that falls in love with a computer system, this movie will make you jump to talking about a strange side of platonic relationships. After having to go through a divorce, this man makes a technology program who he becomes completely indulged in.
4. Silver Linings Playbook
If you’re into twists and turns in a movie, then Silver Linings Playbook will be for you! Plus, Jennifer Lawrence is in it. I mean, who doesn’t like Jennifer Lawrence? This film tells the story of a man who lost everything–his wife and job– and ended up in an institution for mental health. He ends up wanting to fix everything and re-construct the relationship with his wife, but Lawrence offers her help for a favor in return.
5. Spanglish
Seeking a better life for her and her daughter, this movie covers the story of Flor and her daughter who move from Mexico to LA. Flor ends up working for a privileged family, but her job turns into a drama-filled mess as cultures clash and romance spurs up between her and her boss.
6. La La Land
As an academy award-winning film, La La Land is a movie that you will also fall in love with that will tug at your heartstrings. It covers the story of a couple who falls in love due to their ambitions of chasing their dreams. But, once success comes around the corner, their true love is challenged and they have to choose between being together or continuing to follow their dreams. Separating it from the rest of these rom-com movies, it’s filled with fun musical numbers!
7. Ghost
If you’re into more of the supernatural realm, then this movie is going to be the perfect pick for you. Ghost tells the love story of a couple by the name of Sam Wheat and Molly Jensen, but with a twist. When Sam ends up murdered by a friend, his spirit continues to follow Molly around in attempt to protect her from any harm.
8. Moonstruck
With this classic, you are in for both the pleasure of seeing the wonderful actress of Cher, but also laugh your pants off. This movie tells the story of an Italian-American widow, played by Cher, who accepts to marry her boyfriend, but soon realizes that her true-love ends up being her fiancé’s brother.
Not going to lie, this is one of the stranger rom-com movies that will probably make you have some tiny nightmares later on, but it will enthrall you! Penelope is about a girl who is struggling with having a pig nose due to a curse. Her parents are having trouble in finding a partner for her that truly loves her despite the way she looks. This all changes as she meets James, who is hired to actually destroy her family for revenge.
10.Before Sunrise
If you want something that will truly stir up the base of romance, then this is going to be your perfect choice. Jesse meets Celine on his way to Vienna and after an instant connection, Jesse convinces her to get off the train with him and enjoy an adventure-filled day in Vienna. But, as they come closer together throughout the day, they have to face the difficult decision of separating the next day.