5 Responses To An Unsolicited Dick Pic

If you’re a woman or femme individual who exists in the 21st century, chances are, you’ve been the recipient of an unsolicited dick pic. Whether it’s from a “friend,” a significant other, a stranger, or an acquaintance, a dick pic is like having someone walk into your room. When you want it, it’s great, but if the other person doesn’t ask first and you don’t explicitly say you want it, it’s rude and inconsiderate. It can also be difficult to know how to answer in these circumstances, even if you’re the wittiest person on Earth. There’s a veritable cornucopia of possible responses you could send to an unsolicited dick pic, but here are 5 of the best.
1. “No”
The most obvious response is to just tell the other person “no,” “don’t send me those pictures,” or something of the like. It’s simple and straight to the point, but be forewarned that unfortunately, some guys don’t take kindly to this type of response and may lash out. Know that however they respond, it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with their ego, and that’s not your responsibility. You have no obligation to soothe their ego or their pride, regardless of who they are or how you know them. Say no and make them move along.
2. Send a gif
The most amusing of all of the options is probably to send a gif as a response. There are so many to choose from, so whether you want something snarky or chill, sassy or blunt, there’s a gif for every situation. It also saves you from having to think of a clever answer on the spot since you can just choose a response from the treasure trove that is the Internet and the world of gifs.
3. Ignore it
Another way to respond is to simply not respond to the picture. Redirect the conversation, maybe even start talking about something else. In essence, pretend you never saw the picture. They may ask you about the picture, in which case you could just say that you never got it or that you assumed it was meant for someone else. Hopefully, the conversation (or lack thereof) resumes as though nothing happened and you can both forget about the entire incident.
4. Ask why they sent it
If you’re feeling especially motivated to educate someone, try digging into their reasoning behind sending a dick pic without having been asked for one. It’s possible that they won’t even know (beyond just saying that they were feeling horny), but it could force them to stop and think a little bit more about why they chose to make the decision they did. Be sure to assess your own situation beforehand so that you don’t exert more of your energy on it than it’s worth, especially if you’re already operating on low battery, so to speak. You can also weigh the potential benefits of this type of interaction against the figurative cost of the conversation to you and your health. If it will drain you to deal with the conversation and the benefits don’t outweigh that, you probably don’t want to engage.
5. Block the number/account
This is especially effective if you don’t know the other person, but it can work with most cases. Simply block them. Keep them from texting or messaging you again. You don’t owe them anything, including a reason for blocking them. If they send you unsolicited dick pics, you have no obligation to explain why you’re blocking them.