6 Relationships Issues That Only Came About In The Age Of The Internet

Since the Internet has become a big thing, the ways we handle relationships have changed; we have begun to assess people by likes, comments, and swipes, monitor their digital loyalty and cheat within a click. Are we living in the anti-utopian “Black Mirror” -inspired reality? Here are 6 relationship phenomena that have become very relevant in the Internet age.
1. Ghosting
This term has long been used beyond the online space and depicts a relationships issue when people disappear without explanation and stop answering. In other words, if they leave you on “read” or simply ignore you. Being ghosted is not the most pleasant feeling since all you can do is speculate: what did I do wrong? Is there something wrong with me? You can’t deny: ending/pausing a relationship like that seems like an ugly move!
This Internet term stands for “fear of missing out”. To be completely honest, it is more concerned with one’s personal life rather than relationships but there is no denying that no matter what you do – it is going to somehow impact your partner. Social media tends to make people feel like they are left out of all the fun that is happening to their friends and followers. As a result, people make feel anxious and lose cool with their hubby. You have to learn that in most cases all these fun pictures are just a facade created by means of editing apps and captions. Besides, you simply cannot be everywhere at the same time!
3. Cyberstalking
This is one of the most disturbing relationships issues that you can find through the Web. Stalking itself means pursuing another person. Stalkers are often monitoring their former partners trying to maintain the illusion of keeping them in control or seeking attention. Cyberstalking means pursuing another person on the Internet, often via social media. The red flags include obsessive messaging and constant social media surveillance. You may say that having an open profile online implies having people being nosey about your life but there is a thin line between looking up to someone and having someone supervising your every move 24/7. Be cautious!
4. Stashing
The term stashing can be interpreted as “hiding”. This phenomenon is not new. Have you ever had a relationship issue when your hubby would never post a photo with you? Perhaps they are ashamed of you? Back in the days, kids from a higher social class used to “hide” their working-class partners from their parents and friends. Nowadays, when social prejudices seem like a bygone concept, such behavior may indicate that your partner is not so serious about you.
To avoid playing a victim of online stashing, it makes sense to directly ask. People may have personal reasons to behave one way or another, and honest conversations best clarify the situation. Verbal communication is key!
5. Micro-cheating
Coin by the British psychologist Martin Graff, this expression indicates instances of online-flirting and hints of disloyalty on social media. A simple like or comment can hardly be equated with cheating, however, the rules of online etiquette imply that these actions indicate that the commentator may have designs on the recipient.
The signs of micro-cheating include liking someone’s old pictures and the absence of a relationship’s status. Besides, always remember to clear your search history before your partner sees who you’ve been stalking recently.
6. Gatsbying
Have you ever had a moment when you would post a picture with the intention for someone special to see it? Let me guess: that one person has never reacted. This kind of behavior is called “gatsbying”, in honor of The Great Gatsby. In the novel, Jay Gatsby used to throw crazy fun parties just to get the attention of a girl who would never go to these parties. Sounds familiar, huh.