Dreadlocks have long been looked down on across generations and cultures. While we have come a long way in terms of accepting styles that are different than our social norm, discrimination still continues in many areas of the world. Many people silently want them but shy away from taking the plunge for fear of judgement from friends and family. If you are one of those people or even just simply looking for your next best hairstyle this one’s for you!
The standard american aesthetic features clean-cut males and sleek-blonde women. We see it on all the billboards and ads that are force-fed down our throats by big media looking to make a pretty penny off of our insecurities. We want to look like the models even when we know they are painted and primped to look like gods and goddesses. All their flaws are glossed over and the resulting picture is enough to make us feel like we will never be good enough. Dreadlocks are a fantastic way to challenge the beauty standards we see all across America. Dreads can be messy and wild or completely maintained and tidy. Dreadlocks tell the big media and standard beauty standards they can go take a hike (and make it a long one) because you will not conform to their standards. You will make your own.
Dreadlocks give off an IDGAF attitude and sporting this attitude with your hair can be a huge confidence boost! If you struggle with low self-esteem, it might be time for you to start your dread journey. We often feel held back by what others might think of us, hiding who we truly are or truly want to be for fear of being rejected. Dreadlocks are a great way of saying to the world ( and yourself!) that who you are is enough. They are fierce and wild. Be confident in who you are and if you need some help, get dreads!
Now, this one may seem like a no-brainer but seriously, if you like them, try them! I had loved the idea and look of dreads for 7 years before I got them, and so many others have gone 10 times as long for whatever reasons. You could be scared they won’t look good with your facial structure. You might be afraid of what your mom will say. But just like with dyes and cuts, it’s just hair! If you don’t like it, you can always go back! But if you like them, you can sport them for years and years.
So many people have a love/hate relationship with their hair. Maintaining, styling, cleaning and brushing regular hair can be a huge chore for those with long, curly or thin hair. The best thing about dreads? Ditch the brush and ditch the conditioner. Your washing routine just got cut in half, you never have to worry about brushing or detangling, and to top it all off dreads are a style in and of themselves! They need nothing added or styled to look badass and complete to any function from a birthday party to a wedding!
Haircuts can cost anywhere from $25 up to $125 and the average person gets a haircut every 6 weeks. That can total upwards of $350 a year not including dyes, soaps, gels, and tons of other hair-care products. Dreads could be the cheapest hairstyle out there if you do them yourself! In my 2 years of having dreads I have spent $35 on shampoo and that is it. So if you are looking to save some mad cash and change your look up, be sure to consider this awesome hairstyle!
It has been said that dreads encapsulate sacred energy that escapes through the hair follicles on top of the head. In many area, dreads can be a religious decision to put yourself and your mental health first. Or if you have a deep need for control, what better way to learn that you can’t always have it but through dreads? You can find ways to match your hair to who you are based on the method used to put them in, and colored hair-wraps and beads can act as a visible representation of your journey. They can hold and represent “you” in a way that is freeing and natural.
Let’s be real, most of us have a pretty short fuse. Other than children, there aren’t a lot of things close enough to our hearts to force us to practice patience. Enter Dreadlocks. When one first gets dreads, they are often called “babies” and you as the wearer and owner maintain and love on them to help them become rooted and mature. Along the journey you might want to give up because they can be so crazy! But if you stick with it, you will learn patience and by the end you’ll have an epic set of dreads that you raised from their roots.
So many of us are restless people. We move from job to j0b, rearrange our furniture every couple weeks and feel often feel dissatisfied with a normal predictable lifestyle. The great thing about dreads is you can sport a different look every other week without spending tons of money or time. One week you could add 5 different blue hair wraps and rock them for the summer. And the next week take them all out and go all natural. There are different colors and styles of dreads and all can coexist peacefully and beautifully on your head. So if you are like a lot of us and just need change, before grabbing that bottle of hair-dye or chopping off your bangs, you should definitely consider installing a few dreads! And the best part is, if you don’t like them no harm no foul.
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