
5 Reasons You Should Be Using The iPhone Voicenote Feature More Often

Texting is something we all do an insane amount of times a day on our phones. For us Apple users though, the iPhone voicenote feature is one that is not utilized nor appreciated as much as it should be. If you don’t know how to access the voice note feature on your iPhone, all you have to do is press the little microphone located in the right corner of the message box, press on it and start talking. It is that easy! Here are 5 reasons you should be using the iPhone voicenote feature. Like right now.

Still, I find that I know so many people that do not use the voicenote feature like I feel they should. So, here are 5 reasons why you need to start utilizing this great feature ….

Saves Time

Why text that extremely long story about how you just saw your ex at the mall, when you can tell the story as if you and your friend were on the phone. And if your friend has an iPhone too, he or she can voicenote back their reply.

Conveys Correct Emotions

People are always getting “reading into” the emotions behind a text but when you using the voice not feature, you don’t have to wonder about anything. You can properly articulate your emotions as they need to be heard.

Eliminates Novel Texts

We are all guilty of sending texts that could be turned into a novel or movie script. Using the iPhone’s voicenote feature eliminates typing those overly long ass texts that can possibly leave your fingers feeling crippled. And there is no time constraint on sending a voicenote either.

See Also

No More Text & Drive

You should never be texting while driving but if we are going to be completely honest, millions of people do it. The voicenote feature allows you to say what you need to without having to take your eyes off the road to type it.

Replace Texting

The iPhone’s voicenote feature is a cool feature that I can see possibly taking over texting. It’s just so much easier to just speak into the microphone what you want to say instead of typing it. Plus, it also gives you an opportunity to see if you like the sound of your voice.

Do you use the iPhone voicenote feature? Let us know in the comments below!
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Kennisha Crawford

Kennisha is currently studying at Southern New Hampshire University to obtain her bachelors in Creative Writing. She is an avid lover of art and poetry. Her favorite word is "create" because she feels the word "represents the endless possibilities and marvelous creations the mind can conjure".

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