Reasons You May Actually Miss Worcester DC This Summer

You’ve heard the news, Worcester is about to get redone. Unfortunately, it has also been announced that it won’t be finished until 2020. The general consensus seems to be that no one really cares. However, we may have just taken it for granted this whole time. Here are a few reasons you may actually miss the least popular dinning hall when returning for the semester.
1. Grab & Go
A heaping box of General Gau’s chicken or a few big scoops of mac and cheese that taste like they came straight from Panera Bread all awaited you if you stopped in for Grab & Go at Worcester DC.
2. Having a dining hall to go to when you don’t want to see anyone
Still in yesterday’s outfit? Bad hair day? Just a bad day in general? You could always head to Worcester for a bite to eat when you didn’t want to run into anyone and keep to yourself.
3. Hungry after class in the ISB or Lederle
You probably took it for granted but what did you do after long, dragging classes and labs in Lederle or the ISB? You ate. Worcester was part or your support system.
4. Food when you’re on the north side of campus with no dining dollars left
Blue Wall can be expensive and eventually you’d run out of dining dollars, where could you go to eat? Worcester.
5. Open Seats
How many times have you had to walk laps around Berk or Frank just looking for an open table? Probably many; but how many times have you had to scour for a seat at Worcester? None.
6. Root Beer
If you’ve lived in Central, you know how sad it is that you can’t get Root Beer at Frank. It was always a nice surprise to see the label when getting drinks on the off day that you ate at Worcester.
7. There’s pretty much always dogs in there
Hiding under the tables or laying out in the aisles, you’re almost guaranteed to see a dog when you stop by Worcester. I’m not sure why this is, maybe less security, but I have seen many a random pet while dining at Worcester.
And if all these reasons have not convinced you that this is a true loss to the UMass Community, here’s one more reason you’ll miss Worcester- your favorite dinning hall is about to get way more crowed as Worcester fans still need a place to eat.