6 Reasons Why You Should Start Lifting
When it comes to working out, some women tend to stick to doing cardio, yoga, and whatever is trending in the fitness community. We’re often told that lifting weights will make us look bulky or ruin our figure. That theory is complete bullshit! It’s beneficial to expand your workout routine or learn the other methods used to get fit. Here are 6 Reasons Why You Should Start Lifting.
1. Lifting Helps Burn Fat
The ultimate purpose of getting fit is to live a healthy lifestyle. Whether you’re trying to lose or gain weight, incorporating lifting with help boost your metabolism. Having a fast metabolism means you’re a fat burning machine. It’s important to have a balanced diet, try eating clean 80% of the time and occasionally treat yourself. This one reason why you should be lifting
2. Lifting Will Tone Your Body
You need to build muscle to have a toned body. Doing a combination of cardio and lifting will provide you with the results. Women are told to stick to cardio because lifting will make them bulky. Women come in all shapes and sizes. Depending on your body type, theres a chance of you gaining muscle quicker than others. Mesomorphs have a easier time gaining muscle, while ectomorphs struggle to gain weight because they’re naturally thin. As a endomorph, I have to do an equal amount of cardio and lifting due to my body type being easy to gain weight and put on muscle.
3. Lifting Will Relieve Stress
Like any other physical activity, lifting will be a stress reliever. Lifting on the regular can distract you from certain issues. It will give you time to think about your relationship or anything messing with your mind. Lifting can be a way to escape life for an hour. If you’re experiencing any stress, go to the gym and do some weighted squats. You’ll be growing your butt while shrinking stress. This is absolutely a reason why you should be lifting.
4. Lifting Will Improve Your Sleeping Pattern!
The best feeling ever is going to sleep after a workout. Yes, there’s a chance of you waking up sore but you will feel energized! You must sleep because your body needs rest after tearing down the muscle and rebuilding it. The point of lifting weights is to breakdown muscle and rebuild it! The rebuilding of the muscle shows the results. If you’re not sleeping, then results won’t show! It’s important to get enough sleep. Please get medical help, If lifting isn’t helping with your sleeping pattern! This is an important reason why you should be lifting.
5. Lifting Will Strengthen Your Bones
It’s important for a woman to start lifting weights because it helps grow our bone density. A woman’s bone density will weaken as she gets older. The earlier you start lifting, you’ll less likely have to take medication to help strengthen your bones! Healthy bones promotes a better posture and less chance of fracturing a bone. Depending on which body part is trained, you can prevent yourself from getting a hip or knee replacement. Although lifting can prevent you from taking medicine or undergoing surgery, it’s important to practice form and being careful while using equipment. It’s important to be cautious when working out because you may hurt yourself. This is a health cautious reason why you should be lifting weights.
6. Lifting Will Boost Your Confidence
Your confidence will experience a major boost after you start lifting. You’ll be proud of yourself for stepping out of your comfort zone to lift weights. Yes, the guys can be intimidating because they will stare you down. Don’t forget that you’re there to better your mind and body. When you start seeing results, it will motivate you to go harder. You’ll get stronger and grow endurance levels. Most importantly, you’ll definitely out lift some guys at the gym!