10 Reasons Why You Should Love Yourself First

“Love yourself first” is a phrase that we’ve heard so many times – to the point where we’ve almost forgotten what it truly means. Instead, we oftentimes find ourselves making the biggest mistake of our lives as we look for love in all the wrong places. Fortunately, these 10 reasons why you should love yourself first shows us the importance of giving ourselves the same type of love that we search so hard to find.
1. You’ll Find That Nobody Else Can Determine Your Worth.
It’s easy to place value on clothes, groceries, and other such items; consequently, it’s even easier – for society – to do so to people. Fortunately, loving yourself gives you the opportunity to self-reflect; in doing so, you’ll begin to feel a weight lifted from your shoulders – as you come to the conclusion that you’re priceless – no matter the monetary value that others may have placed on you.
2. You’ll Gain Confidence In Who You Are.
Each step will be a whole lot lighter than it was before – as you find yourself gaining confidence in who you are. In fact, focusing on yourself – instead of what others perceive you as – will help you obtain the self-respect you need when pressing forward. The best part about this is that it allows you to build up your self-esteem in the process; fortunately, this will help you to stand out – and be proud of who you are – instead of being cornered by the harsh opinions of others.
3. You’ll Feel A Whole Lot Happier In Life.
You no longer have to worry about whether or not someone will be able to love you – because why worry when you can love yourself right? After you’ve learned to do that, you’ll find yourself feeling a whole lot happier; much of this will stem from living without the unnecessary baggage of anxiety – as you await/anticipate the approval of others. In other words, where love is happiness is sure to follow. So why not smile brighter, be better, and soak up every bit of love that you can; then once you’ve mastered that, share it with others.
4. You’ll Gain A Sense Of Independence.
After a while, you’ll begin to realize that you don’t need anyone else but you. In fact, nobody knows you like you do – so why not be your own best friend? In doing so, you’ll gain a sense of independence – and be at peace – no matter whether you’re alone, in the company of that one special person, or surrounded by many. We’re so quick to believe that being alone is a bad thing – when it really serves as the perfect foundation for our growth; the best part about this is that we will oftentimes notice much more when we are alone versus the times when we are frequently crowded by others.
5. You’ll Learn To Love Others Differently Than You Had Before.
Oftentimes, we have to learn to love ourselves before we can learn to love others. Fortunately, when you care for yourself – you are able to better care for those around you in a whole new way. Then when a friend – or family member – is struggling to do the same, you are a lot more likely to be able to coach him/her through it.
6. You’ll Always Be Encouraged By The Love You Have For Yourself.
Even when you find yourself having a bad day, you won’t easily be swayed by the state that you’re in. The love that you have given yourself will serve as fuel to your fire – encouraging you when you need it the most. The best part about this is that you won’t find yourself seeking out the love – or affirmation from others – via social media or face-to-face contact.
7. You’ll Begin To Accept Yourself.
Always misunderstood, bullied when you were younger, overlooked, and so on? That’s why loving yourself is such a must because if you don’t then unhealed wounds – deep beneath the surface – have time to fester. Acceptance prevents this – but the secret is that it can’t come from others, it has to come from you. Once you’ve done so, you’ll find that pain from the past can no longer hurt you – or extinguish the love that you have for yourself.
8. Rejection Will No Longer Faze You.
So what if you’ve had a couple of bad dates and are unsure on how to bounce back. Some of the best moments in life are unexpected – and with rejection comes resilience. When you begin to love yourself, you won’t look at rejection as your ruin, but your redemption; soon you’ll see each as being an opportunity to grow and learn more about yourself along the way.
9. Eliminating Toxins Within Your Life Becomes A Whole Lot Easier.
Failing to love yourself hinders your growth – and who you have yet to become. One example of this comes through allowing others to walk over you – by now knowing when to say “no.” Fortunately, loving yourself helps you to stick up for yourself amid less than ideal situations that may cause you harm. In doing so, you can learn a new side of yourself – and stand firm in the values that you have.
10. There’s No One Else On Earth Like You.
If that’s not something to love than I don’t know what is. Just look at it like this: your dreams, personality – and everything else in between – is 100% yours. Why not share it with the world? But in order to do this, you must first love yourself enough to be comfortable with allowing others to be exposed to all the unique things you have to offer them.
We hope that these 10 reasons why you should love yourself first remind you where your values lie; never settle for less. Don’t forget to share – and let us know your favorites in the comments below!
Featured Image Source: https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1505535162959-9bbcb4ab22d6?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&ixid=eyJhcHBfaWQiOjEyMDd9&auto=format&fit=crop&w=500&q=60
Whitney is a senior at Missouri State University - majoring in English/Creative Writing and minoring in Journalism. In her free time she enjoys freelance writing - and creating content for her blog. She writes to encourage/uplift others - and hopes to one day have her own magazine column.