10 Reasons Why You Should Layer Up On Your Sunscreen This Summer

Bigger is better, that’s why you should purchase a sunscreen with SPF 20 or higher. The sun is so harmful to our skin and we should do everything to protect it.
1. Skin cancer
Skin cancer is real and doesn’t let it be your reality, lather up. Sunscreen is the ultimate protector against the sun’s harmful rays. Whenever you are going to be outside even if it’s cloudy put some sunscreen on, you won’t regret it. The sun is strong even when you can’t see it. Just to make another point, the sun can even reflect in the snow. I’m telling you, the sun is powerful. It’s summer I doubt you are going to be outside in long sleeves and pants. That bikini needs to be paired with some sunscreen. Don’t forget to reapply. Being outside all day with the sun and not reapplying is just as bad as not wearing sunscreen at all. Also, just because the SPF is high don’t think that means you can skip reapplying. You cant. Don’t be silly. Melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer. It’s deadly and is often found in young women in their early 20’s but younger than 40. Don’t be a statistic. It’s not cute, literally.
2. Aging
Soaking up the sun is a fast way to age your skin. Sunscreen slows down the wrinkles that the sun will happily give you. Sunscreen acts as a barrier against some of the harmful rays of the sun. You don’t want to be in your 20s but look like you in your 80s. Well, 80 is an extreme but you know what I mean. You don’t want to look way older than you are. The sun can do some damage to your skin. Don’t run and hide, lather up in some sunscreen. The sun provides Vitamin D and we do need some of that. Some. Too much can cause major skin issues, bigger than wrinkles.
3. Sunburns
Ouch! Your skin will start to burn within 10 minutes of being out with the sun. Just thinking about them shoots a cold shrivel down my spine. The pain of a sunburn sucks. Not only do they hurt they weaken your skin. Weak skin will make you more susceptible to bruises. Not only are you pretty much burning your skin, hints the name, but sunburns come with peeling of the skin and even worse, blisters. Gross. Say goodbye to that bikini and hello to aloe vera.
4. Uneven Skin Tones
You want an even skin tone. Your not a zebra, your skin tone should be even head to toe. Although lighter skin shows the most damage all skin tones can be affected and need to be protected. You know you have seen someone spend the entire day at the beach and the next day their face is like 3 times darker than their legs? Don’t let this be you. It will be hard to hide your entire face because of the summer mishap. A bikini line isn’t cute either, although it’s easier to than your face. So just lather up. Protect your skin now will save it from visible skin damage in the future.
5. Be A Leader
Be an example to others. Make them want to follow you. Show them the great protector that sunscreen can be. Once the people in your circle catch wind of what you are doing to protect your skin, more than likely they will want to jump on board. Show off that you care about your skin, it will speak volumes to others. Plus when your skin looks healthier than their they will want to know your secret.
6. Skin discoloration
To treat skin discoloration some people use over the counter creams but sometimes the cream is not enough. The treatment available can go as far as laser treatment. That can get crazy expensive. Sunscreen is a lot cheaper. Your skin would appreciate sunscreen.
7. Options
There are so many types of sunscreen, why not just pick one an put some on? Just make sure the SPF is above 30. Any sunscreen above 50 SPF is just 50 SPF, bigger is not always better. There so many options when it comes to sunscreen, there’s a stick, cream, and even spray. Sunscreens have been updated. No longer are they clumpy and greasy. They are sheer and light, like your not wearing it at all. Use whatever you use will be better than nothing.
8. Indoors
The sun rays can shine right through your window onto your once healthy skin. Protect yourself. Don’t live in darkness, lather up. Putting on sunscreen daily can only help and protect you. Windows are everywhere and unavoidable. There in your car, home, and job. And behind those windows is the sun. The sun can harm your skin.
9. Water-Resistant
Summer is the best season to swim. The pool and summer go hand in hand. What should be in your hand is sunscreen and your lathering it over yourself. Not all sunscreen is alike. If you are going to be in the water get water-resistant sunscreen, trust me you will be happy you did. Water-resistant sunscreen must be applied 15 minutes before heading outside. It won’t wash off like regular sunscreen but will need to be reapplied when worn for a length of time. Yes, you will need to reapply. Water-resistant doesn’t mean waterproof.
10. Quick Tan
Sunscreen is a safe way to tan. Some sunscreens are mixed with fast-acting tanning lotion. The sunscreen protects your skin from the harmful sun rays. The brown tanning lotion with the 15 SPF speeds up the tanning process. This results in a quick deep tan. What makes this sunscreen so good is that it is mixed with many ingredients that will protect your skin. Are you ready for your skin will beam with that healthy glow?
Always layer up on sunscreen. Make using sunscreen part of your daily routine, like taking a shower.